Sat, Feb

Does Anyone Give a SHXT?


GUEST COMMENTARY--This week, 30 million Americans will NOT receive any federal subsidy, and many could be subject to eviction. 

The President stepped in and signed an executive order to help those Americans.

Does he have the right to do so? Probably not. BUT, at least he did something. 

Our congress and senate fight over who has the biggest XXXX.

The fact is, they both are screwing 30 million people. 

The dems will go to court to prove the President wrong. 

The congress and senate will sit on their thumbs while Americans suffer. 

We should demand that all pay and subsidies be halted to every senator and congress person and their staff until relief is voted on and they understand that their constituents are suffering. 

How about: American Lives Matter?


(Jay Handal is a long-time community activist and a Los Angeles businessman.)
