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The Corruptionism-COVID Connection


ONE MAN’S OPINION-The SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) is the name of the virus, while Covid-19 is the name given to the disease.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus did not cause the Covid-19 pandemic in the United States. The pandemic’s cause is and continues to be crippling corruptionism, which has prevented the United States from placing the quality of life and welfare of its citizens before the profits and the increasing wealth of the 1%. 

While there are unique features to this new virus, old protocols from plagues in the 1300s up through the 1918-1919 Spanish flu, still apply. Trump, however, refused to deploy them. While it is imperative that we criticize Trump, few ask a more important long-term question: How did America become such a corrupt society that it could not protect itself from a mentally ill madman or head-off a potential pandemic? There was a time when America had the tools to handle both. This time, though, we failed to handle either. 

The Failure of America’s Institutions Began with the Corrupt Judiciary 

The most corrupt institution in American life -- and also the most secretive -- is the judiciary. It has rotted the core of America to the point that only foolishly naive people believe that Truth, Justice, and the American way prevail. It is power, more power, and unbridled power that rules. A significant step occurred in 1992 with the California Supreme Court case of Moncharsh v. Heily & Blase (1992) 3 Cal.4th 1. As Justice Kennard in her dissent noted, the California Supreme Court had excised justice from the court system. “The majority never mentions the judiciary's paramount obligation to do justice, and the rule it announces -- which requires trial courts to endorse decisions known to be substantially unjust -- is its [justice’s] very antithesis.” 

Chief Justice Malcolm Lucas who was about to retire and become an arbitrator saw no reason for justice. All that mattered was the power of a corrupt arbitrator to rule in favor of his buddies. In authoring the Moncharsh case, Lucas wrote binding arbitration awards which were wrong on their face and caused substantial injustice that had to be enforced by the courts. As customers were increasingly forced into binding arbitrations by banks, large corporations and insurance companies, HMOs, anyone with sufficient assets to bribe a judge could buy arbitration awards that harmed the average citizen.  

While Malcolm Lucas and his cronies were no doubt feathering their own beds, as they soon retired to become arbitrators these judges knew that a system which habitually railroaded Blacks and Mexicans had now declared open season on whites on behalf of the 1% (although the 1% term did not come into vogue until the Obama Ara after he gave $15 trillion to Wall Street while sending Main Street to bankruptcy court). 

The amount of hideous gross judicial corruption in both the state and federal systems is so enormous that one could write 10,000 pages and barely begin to address the issue. The extent to which California has deteriorated is emphasized by one recent case authored by Justice Dennis M.  Perluss   Mozer V. Augustine  This case was non-published which means it was for the internal consumption for the judges, letting them know that their criminal abuses were sacrosanct. 

Here’s the criminal activity that Justice Perluss assured LA county Judges would remain protected. A corrupt judge, let’s say Johnson or Lippitt or any other judge who would appoint Reva Goetz to be a mediator, sets up a mediation where all of a widow’s property ends up going to the judge, the mediator, and the elder’s court-appointed attorney or their shills. The mediation is a cover for massive fraud and elderly people have no idea that they are giving away all their property. 

Justice Perluss wrote an opinion so broad that any fraud committed by a judge that the court- appointed attorney had mediate would be completely protected. Even if the widow could get the FBI to investigate, the FBI could do nothing because Judge Perluss had made the entire fraud “confidential” and hence inadmissible in any court of law. In 2012, The Robing Room pointed out how worthless Perluss was when it came to even a modicum of justice. Google: “The Robing Room for Judge Elizabeth Peffer, 7/23/2012" attorney Average Rating: 3.9 - 44 rating(s), Non-Attorney Average Rating: 1.0 - 60 rating(s). Sixty “1" ratings and she still is on the bench. No litigant even gave her a 2. 

The Pandemic of Judicial Corruption set the Stage for the Covid-19 Corruption 

Judicial corruption is like a virus in that it spreads. When a judicial system has become so corrupted that it rules that it should enforce injustice and it substantially harms people, and then it insulates judges from frauds which destroy people’s lives, we do not have a judge system. Judge Richard Fruin told us more openly when he admitted that the LA City Council is above the law. In the same way that Justice Perluss condoned the financial rape of elders, Judge Fruin paved the way for the pandemic of death among LA homeless. Do not think for a moment that either Justice Perluss or Judge Fruin have an iota of remorse or will stop railroading victims, any more than the Nazis stopped the trains to the death camps as the Allied Forces began their final assault.  

Likewise, Trump learned during his 3,000 lawsuits that American courts have no room of justice. Dumb as Trump may be, he would not have continued with thousands of lawsuits if he were not buying judges for a dime a dozen. Trump knew that in America there is no liability for being a wealthy predator and no exoneration for being innocent and poor. It all resolves down to power. (Some rays of hope are the prosecution of Harvey Weinstein and the lifting of sexual abuse statute limitations by the church, and by the Boy Scouts, but not as to pedophile judges.) 

Corruptionism Kept Trump in Power 

As I have repeatedly pointed out in CityWatch since February 2017, Trump is seriously mentally ill, and he poses a lethal danger to the nation. We had the power to remove Trump, but the power lust of Nancy Pelosi and a few other Dem leaders has protected Trump. They have been so certain that Trump’s behavior will return them to power, that nothing else matters. 

As late as January 2020, when Pelosi and other leaders could have (1) removed Trump from Office via Nixonization and (2) warned the nation about the potential for a pandemic and forced us to prepare, Pelosi et al did nothing, preferring to allow a pandemic which may end up killing hundreds of thousands of Americans. And this did this for one reason: a pandemic will return the Dems to power. 

While the story of Sodom and Gomorrah teaches us that corrupt judges destroy a society, as long as corruption is in power, the trains to the death camps will continue to roll.


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams’ views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.) Cartoon: Dave Granlund   Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.