Sun, Feb

Do the Dems Deserve to Win in 2020?


ONE MAN’S OPINION-With a certified crazy man in the White House, one would think that the Dems’ taking over in 2020 would be a no-brainer. Not so fast there. Right now, Trump is more likely than not to be re-elected. 

It doesn’t take a Putin to figure out that a vote for Bernie is a Vote for Trump. It’s Putty’s job to help the worst possible person to become President; so, stop complaining about Russia. The Houston Astros are more dishonest than V. Putin and we do nothing about that. 

Sanders Will Drive Moderates to the Right 

Although Americans do not know what Socialism means, Middle America knows that they do not want it. Thus, Socialism will mean whatever Trump wants it to mean, and Americans won’t know any better. Aside from the Socialism thing, there’s a more personal reason Sanders will be a disaster. 

Sanders is Not Bloomberg 

Bloomberg is only the Dem candidate who can mock Trump and show him as a third-rate piker in the eyes of Trump’s own supporters. Bloomberg made all his own money and is worth umpteen times more than Trump. Bloomberg is worth $56.2 billion; Trump is worth nearly bupkis. More exactly, Forbes put Trump's 2019 net worth at $3.1 billion. Bloomberg is worth more than 18 times as much as Trump. 

Let’s translate those figures into everyday terms. If Joe makes $100,000 per year and Sally makes 18 times as much, Sally makes $1,800,000. That mean she makes $1.7 million more than Joe. Now, one can see why Trump’s worth is essentially nada next to Bloomberg’s.   

Clothes and Dollars Do Not Make the Man 

While dollars do not make the man, Trumpists have no interest in inner quality. The have reason to be mad as hell and they want an abusive leader to trample on the people they dislike and fear the most -- be they immigrant toddlers, transgenders, or the disabled. Trump supporters favor locking them up, kicking them out and mocking them on national TV. As long as Trump is king of the hill, his supporters are sticking with him. More telling than the belief that Trump could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue, he could grab their mothers, sisters and daughters by the pussy and his supporters wouldn’t object. As long as the Dems help Trump project a strongman image, his position is secure. Objecting to his authoritarian ways only makes his supporters more enthusiastic. Remember, the crowd shouted for Barabbas. 

Impeachment – “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger” 

Although a lot of this meme is nonsense, it rings true for the pathetic Dem impeachment attempt.  After the predicted, ignoble failure of Pelosi and Schiff, Trump is on solid ground, stronger than ever.  After this inexcusable Dem debacle, 67% of Americans think Trump will be re-elected and only 22% think a Dem can unseat Trump. Let’s remember – in 2016 Trump lost the popular vote and he’s mentally ill. 

The Greatest Danger Is the Gross Incompetence of the Dem Leadership 

Not only did they botch the impeachment, but Pelosi with her Identity Politics has swung open the doors of the Dem Party to anti-Semites and the anti-white movement. For them, all whites benefitted from slavery. Under their White Entitlement Philosophy, it doesn’t matter if a white person came here in 1960, if their skin has a light hue, they benefitted from slavery. Candidate Tom Steyer promotes reparations for slavery. Although Steyer is an outlier, a virulent form anti-white Identity Politics is part of the Dem agenda. Presently, the far-left wing is laying low, but if Sanders is the Dem nominee, they will emerge full force assuring Trump of a landslide victory. 

Bloomie does not Need Socialism to bring Prosperity 

No way Trump will be able to make the Socialist charge stick to Bloomberg and his $56.3 billion. Mike can do it! More importantly, Mike has done it – without Socialism. 

No One But Bloomie Can Beat Trump at His Own Game 

The handwriting is on the wall. It’s also on the ceiling, on the floor, and if you go outside, it is above your head in skywriting. Even the fishies in the deep blue sea know it. Only Bloomie can beat Trump at his own game, while reasserting decency as a national value. 


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.) Image: Harry Haysom.  Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.