Thu, Mar

Mental Illness Is Not a Defense for Treason


ONE MAN’S OPINION-Trump’s mental illness -- narcissistic histrionic personality disorder -- is not a defense to treason. If we allow personality disorders to become legal defenses, then psychopaths who commit war crimes will go free. 

Has Trump Committed Treason by Allowing Russia to Replace America in the Middle East? 

Duh. Is it conceivable that Trump is so abysmally stupid and uneducated that he does not know the history of the Middle East? Has he no advisers other than Stephen Miller? How dumb must a person be not to know that Putin would rush into the vacuum? Was it orchestrated by Putin? 

If It Is Not Treason, Then What Is It?  

There can be no bona fide dispute that Trump suffers from a serious personality disorder and that all educated world leaders know the extreme danger of allowing a mentally ill person to remain President. Both the Dems and the GOP watched as Trump was manipulated by one despot after another, Putin, Kim Jung-Un, Saudi Arabia’s MbS, and now Turkey’s Erdogan, but  American politicos’ prime concern has been for their own political power with no concern for the U.S. Constitution, the Republic or the national well-being. Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson could not have been clearer when he called Trump a “Fucking Moron;” yet, no one did anything to protect the nation. 

But Whose Treason Is It? 

Is the mentally ill President, who has been a time bomb waiting to detonate since day one, solely to blame? Or are there other American leaders whose craven self-interest incapacitated the nation from protecting itself sharing in Trump’s culpability? Let’s remember the role that co-dependents play in addiction. While the focus is on the alcoholic or the drug addict, very often people around them reap secondary gains from the alcoholism or addiction. People do not so much fall off the wagon as they are pushed off by the co-dependents. The only difference with Trump’s Dem and GOP co-dependents is that they made certain Trump never got on the wagon. Trump has been “bat-shit crazy” for years. 

Let’s Be Very Clear about a Histrionic 

The Dems could have easily co-opted Trump away from the Alt Right. Histrionics are subject to manipulation; they must be the center of attention and they need constant praise. Pelosi had many opportunities to steal Trump away from the Alt Right by supporting Trump’s good policies. The tax bill was a prime example. Had Pelosi allowed the Congressional Dems to work with Trump to fashion a decent bill, then the mainstream GOP could have ignored the far-right wing and their cheering peanut gallery. We would have had a decent tax bill and the middle class could have some relief, but Pelosi’s goal to regain personal power would have been jeopardized. As a result, Pelosi forced the GOP to melt with the Freedom Caucus. Once again, she again forfeited the ability to protect the nation from Trump, the Terrible. 

Of course, protecting the nation from Trump’s mental illness would have required the Dems’ to share power with the mainstream GOP (who are now moribund or extinct). Together the center of the Dems and the Center of the GOP could have frozen out their own extremes by co-opting Trump in the same way that Putin, Kim Jung-Un, etc. did. Instead, Pelosi placed her own career ambitions ahead of everything else to regain the Speakership of the House -- ahead of the best interests of the American people. Pelosi did not want a decent tax bill; she wanted a horrible one in order to help her get more Dems elected. My remarks are not hindsight. 

Treason to the Right of Us, Treason to the Left of Us, and Ne’er a decent person to in sight.


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.