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Pogo for President – Why Not?


CORRUPTION WATCH-Matters have become so dire that only Pogo can rescue the Republic.

In 1970s Pogo set forth his bold platform to save America. While FDR had declared that the only fear we have is fear itself, Pogo said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” 

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Pogo had the same message. There is no external threat to our way of life. The threat rests in our becoming fearful. Fear causes people to do foolish things. A population which has been stampeded by fear becomes a slice of lemmings. Yes, a group of lemmings is called a “slice.” Contrary to the myth, lemmings do not jump off cliffs in mass suicide, but rather their behavior attracts packs of vicious predators called stoats, who travel in caravans looking for slices of lemmings to devour. So too America has caravans of predators scouring the countryside for American lemmings, who are found in two large groups: Republican Lemmings and Democrat Lemmings. 

The stoats’ main offices are on Wall Street and in Washington, D.C., but these weasel-like creatures also inhabit Los Angeles City Hall. 

The Enemy is Us 

Leaving aside his poor grammar, Pogo is correct. “The stoats are us,” or more properly, “We lemmings are stoats preying upon ourselves.” 

No, it was not the Russkis using mind control or prowling the Internet or colluding with the idiot first sons who made Trump President. No, it was not hordes of illegals voting for Hillary that gave her the popular vote. We the People, have no one to blame but ourselves. That is why Americans need to join forces and support Pogo for President. He is the only politico who tells us the truth. 

Pogo is Correct on the Party Level 

When one listens to Pogo, one realizes that it’s neither the Trumpists nor the Socialist Dems who are out to wreck the nation. Together, We the People are the danger. While Donald Trump suffers from debilitating mental deficiencies, he is not the problem.  If the rabble would stop cheering every viciously anti-American utterance from his addled pea-brain, he would stop tweeting and shouting vulgarities and absurd lies. 

On the other hand, if the Dems reformed their own behavior and stopped ginning up the right wing, the racist White Is Right movement would not be so strong. But, no, the Dems cannot act in a decent manner. They insist that their brand of racism is holiness, and under the Doctrine of White Entitlement, Whites are innately evil. The Dems’ solution is Identity Politics where the minorities will vanquish the Whites, i.e. the “Deplorables.” Pogo warns that one-half the nation branding the other half “Deplorable” or “Snowflakes” will not end well. 

Everyone, Stop with the Racist Group Rights Already! 

In public, we are individuals as fungible as grains of sand, but at home we are as diverse as the stars in the heavens. 

Under the Declaration of Independence, the racist group rights that is part of Identity Politics is as taboo as the Nazis marching to chants of “Blood and Soil. Jews shall not replace us.” Yet, we have both. The State of California has a policy allowing judges a state constitutional right to exclude Jews and others who “refuse Jesus Christ” from hearings including the judge’s right to alter the testimony and evidence offered by those who “refuse Jesus Christ.” (They refer to falsification of evidence as commenting on evidence. Cal Const Art VI §10) 

Although this policy is seldom applied to Jews, it is routinely applied to Blacks and Mexicans. That is why California railroads so many innocent Blacks, Hispanics and the occasional White person into prison. Evidence becomes whatever the judge wants it to be. 

The California Lemmings During Election Season 

Just as city hall extortion and city hall bribery are two sides of the same coin, whether California voters are suicidal lemmings or let themselves be devoured by predators, the result is the same. The predators win, while We the People lose. 

A self-respecting electorate would be irate at the massive number of lies spewed forth by the No on Prop 10 Campaign. The No on 10 people make Trump look like a truthteller. Recently, the Yes on Prop 10 people have adopted their own false propaganda.  

Prop 10 Is Not Rent Control 

We lemmings insist on polluting our own election cycles with lies. Prop 10 only repeals the Costa-Hawkins Act, which prevents rent control from being placed on properties constructed after 1995. If Prop 10 passes, maybe some city will decide to pass some form of rent control or maybe it won’t. Right now, Costa-Hawkins lets the billionaires rule us. It is ridiculously self-destructive to insist that our lives be controlled by a few billionaires who have been manipulating the housing market for decades. Yet, we see millions of Californians fighting against Prop 10 to remain impotent. 

What Would Pogo Do? 

Pogo’s advice for us all is the same as the punch line to the old Vaudeville joke: 

Patient: “Doctor, it hurts when I do this.” 

Doctor: “Then don’t do that.”  

If you do not like your pocketbook being raided by Wall Street crooks, then stop voting the way they want.  

It’s not so much the liars who are at fault, as it is the lemming-like way we become our own enemy by believing all the lies. Let’s unite under the Pogo for President banner and take back our country from ourselves.


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams’ views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.