Tue, Feb

Brett Kavanaugh: A Recalled Product of His Times?


FIRST PERSON-The most compelling, yet ignored argument supporting the claim that Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford and other women is that these actions are consistent with his uncontested male chauvinist upbringing and consequent development of his legal opposition against women's birth control. 

Kavanaugh and his like-minded supporters seek to use the law to ignore and negate the scientific accomplishments of birth control, because that puts women on an equal footing with men by giving them control over their bodies. Throughout history, women have been left holding the [amniotic fluid] bag for men's uncontrolled and often violent sexual actions against them. Roe vs. Wade and birth control have methodically helped to change this. 

Now several generations into myriad of birth control options and the Roe vs. Wade-granted right to abortion, if other less intrusive methods of birth control fail, women can equally express their sexuality without risking conception...unless they choose it. 

On the other hand, the older baby boomer in me still has problems with what has now become the all too casual and inherently dangerous nature of hook-ups between millennials and the greater risk of sexually transmitted diseases. 

With men and women finally forced to collaborate safely in the expression of their individual sexuality, these dangers are being faced by men and women alike. A new loving "us" entity -- safe and satisfying to both partners -- can now be created. 

Finally, the #MeToo movement is confronting an ancient oppressive patriarchy, and this, ironically, will do as much for men like Kavanaugh as it does for women. While one is tempted to blindly hate the historical mindless injustice that men like Kavanaugh have perpetuated on women, one should also take notice that the Kavanaughs of the world may not have enjoyed the sexual and emotional bliss that can come when partners come together as equals. Who knows, this might put a smile on Mrs. Kavanaugh's face. 

Yes, it's not just men and boys who have seen their sexual and emotional potential limited by a fear of sharing who they really are, but also young girls and women have continued to spend too much energy creating a physical image of what they think they need to look like to attract Mr. Right, rather than nurturing a uniqueness that in the long run will last a lot longer than their looks. 

There's a line from an old Jimmy Stewart movie that I think sums up what I'm trying to say. A young man comes to see Stewart to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage, which was the custom at the time. The young man says, "Sir, I love your daughter." To which Stewart replies, "I don't care if you love her...do you like her?”


(Leonard Isenberg is a Los Angeles, observer and a contributor to CityWatch. He was a second- generation teacher at LAUSD and blogs at perdaily.com. Leonard can be reached at [email protected].) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.