Wed, Feb

Environment Going to Pot


GUEST COMMENTARY-So California, a left-leaning, socially conscious, environmentally friendly state, has passed cannabis laws making it illegal to serve the cannabis customer in the traditional way: deli style picked from the big deli jars (see photo above)

Now, with the new law, all items must be pre-packed and sealed in ‘child-proof’ bags or jars. Meaning that for every gram, ounce of joint you purchase, there is more junk for the landfill.

What were they thinking?

What hypocrisy!

Take the straws out of Starbucks and replace that junk with hundreds of thousands of pounds of glass, plastic and laminated paper bags. To serve product that is natural, pesticide-free and safe … except for what it’s doing to our landfills.

Do our politicians actually read what they sign?

(Jay Handal is a board member of the West LA NC, Co-Chair of the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates and works as a consultant to the cannabis industry.)
