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What’s Behind the Humiliation in Helsinki?


CORRUPTION WATCH-Senator John McCain’s condemnation of Trump’s fawning over Vladimir Putin was mild when one considers the utter humiliation and degradation which Trump bought upon the United States.

Senator McCain tacked on the words “in memory.” No Senator, it was not the worst we can remember; it was the worst everin the entire history of the nation. 

Yet, there is something disturbingly familiar with Trump’s prostrating himself before the world greatest oligarch. While Trump’s idolization of Putin is disgusting, we should recall that at one time America did not exhibit such cowardice. 

Our Nation’s Beginning Repudiated Obsequious Kowtowing to Predatory Authoritarianism 

The Declaration of Independence declares that all individuals have inalienable rights including Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and that people give their consent to governments in order to secure those inalienable rights. The Declaration rejects the notion that people submit to a ruler because he is powerful. The Declaration did not say, “We are displeased with King George’s tyranny, but he speaks very powerfully. So, tell us how much extra tax we shall pay to the King.” 

Something Changed Between 1776 and Now 

One advantage for the rest of us when a treasonous buffoon has been elected president is that he speaks so carelessly we can see how he thinks. Donny Small Hands told us why he readily kisses Putin’s ass. Putin is powerful. Listen to the Orange One’s own words, “but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerfulin his denial today.” 

While trashing his nation’s unanimous, fact-based conclusion that the direction to meddle in the 2016 elections came from the highest level of the Russian government, i.e. Vladimir Putin himself, Trump sided with Putin against America. Had Putin shown Trump any evidence? What did Putin say during this private meeting with Trump, from which all Americans were excluded? There was nothing offered except a subservient acceptance of the word of a powerful man. In essence, the Orange Puppet said, “Putin denies it and thus I accept his denial over the hard evidence of all the intelligence agencies of the United States of America.” 

The Traitor-in-Chief went even farther. He blamed the United States for any unpleasantries between the two countries. According to him, the problem is with Robert Mueller, not with Vladimir Putin. 

It appears that Vlady became a tad drunk with power and copied OJ Simpson with his braggadocious attitude. (Remember this one? “If I had done it; here’s how I would have done it.”) Although Trump uttered the most idiotic statement of his career (that Putin would have no reason to meddle in our elections) Puty more or less admitted, “If I had done it, it was because I wanted this jerk to be America’s President.” 

Why Do We Allow this Humiliation to Continue? 

Everything Trump did and said in Helsinki was standard Trumpism. A few months ago, we also let the Orange One have a private meeting with the fat murderer with a bad haircut while excluding all other Americans except the interpreter. Afterwards, Trump declared a huge success with Kim Jong-Un, which we know was a gargantuan lie. North Korea appears to be increasing its nuclear stockpile. America remains impotent while Trump trashes Germany’s Angela Merkel and Britain’s Teresa May.  Trump is well into the nazification of America and no one in any significant position of power seems to be taking effective action. Why is that? 

Cowards Capitulate in the Face of Power 

While power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely. (Lord Acton, 1887.) Americans, it turns out, are too cowardly to oppose power. Our fear of powerful people did not begin with Trump but has been epidemic in America for decades. We did not develop the worst primary and secondary educational system because Americans stood up to the incompetent fools who control our educational system. As a nation, we betrayed our children by default. 

Our predatory court system intentionally railroads thousands of our youth into prison. When the prosecutors are caught fabricating evidence, everyone accepts the excuse, “Well if he didn’t commit this crime, he must have committed another one.” Across this nation we are knowingly locking up thousands of people because they must have at some time committed some bad deed about which we do not yet know.  

When the federal court reveals that the entire California judicial system is suffering from an epidemic of misconduct, what happens to the federal judge most vocal about judicial corruption? The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court maneuvers to have him removed due to allegations that he showed some secretaries porn on his office computer. A few months thereafter, we hear one of those state prosecutors the Chief Justice protected call a Black Congresswoman a “c-nt” and a “bitch.” We also learn that California judges reject Rule 5-110 which requires prosecutors to tell the courts about exculpatory evidence. Who dares object? When asked in 1787 what the Constitutional Convention had given us, Ben Franklin replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” Clearly, we cannot keep it. 

As a Nation We Kowtow to the Power of Corruptionism  

No one complained that Obama not only let off all the Wall Street felons but that also gave them trillions of dollars. These facts are known to all but are shoved deep into our subconscious minds. As the talented Tom Ripley said: “Well, whatever you do, however terrible, however hurtful, it all makes sense, doesn't it? In your head. You never meet anybody that thinks they're a bad person.” 

Along this thinking, we have the talented Det. Mark Fuhrman of the N-word fame: “Cops learn how to lie, cheat and set people up.” We had mass denials of the truth until the Ramparts scandals burst upon us. However, the powerful ring leaders of the judicial corruption, i.e. the criminal courts judges, went scot-free. Thus, today, we have an epidemic of judicial corruptionism. 

By Lying, the Liar Demonstrates His Power 

The more obvious the lie, the more the liar asserts his power. Putin wants the world to know that he meddled in the U.S. elections in 2016 and he wants the world to know that he is still meddling in our elections. Americans are impotent in the face of liars. Whether it is Donald Trump, Eric Garcetti, Vladmir Putin or the California Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye, the lies of predators have supplanted truth, justice and the American way. Our humiliation in Helsinki was well-earned.


(Richard Lee Abrams is a Los Angeles attorney and a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Abrams’ views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.