Thu, Jan

Time to Repeal Gas Tax and Car Fee Hikes, Say NO to New Taxes


RANTZ & RAVEZ-Taxes and more taxes are in the immediate future for residents and business owners in Los Angeles and most regions of California.

Cities large and small are jammed with increased traffic congestion, out of control homeless populations, sky-high rents and ever-increasing home prices. What are our elected officials doing about this situation to bring tax relief and improve the quality of life for our communities? 

I’ll begin with the gas tax and car fee increases forced on us without our vote. This is already in effect, and it’s costing us more money every time we purchase fuel to operate our cars, motorcycles and other vehicles. Added to this new tax is the increasing cost of vehicle registration, yet all these funds are not being used for their intended purposes. 

If you check to see where the money is going you will find it is going into a variety of programs that have nothing to do with local roads. Remember that there have always been gas and car registration fees with the funds expected to go for road maintenance and related expenses. While those monies were being creatively diverted to other programs and projects by our state elected officials, our roads have continued to deteriorate, and we are left with crumbling freeway lanes, gridlocked traffic, and local roads with small and large pot holes that remain hazardous for drivers of cars, and in particular, motorcycles. 

Traditionally, as a vehicle ages, the cost of its registration reduces each year. But with the increased gas and car tax pushed by Governor Jerry, and supported by the majority of state representatives, this is no longer the case. Check your latest car registration bill and you will see, compared to previous years, fees are going up and not down. 

Something for you to remember: If you drive the 405 freeway any time of day or evening between the San Fernando Valley and West LA, you will find that the millions of dollars Cal Trans spent on the expansion a few years ago has not done much, if anything, to improve the traffic flow for the southbound morning or the northbound evening commutes. Massive gridlock continues along the 405 seven days a week. 

It would be nice to know what is happening with the money we pay for transportation related fees in our region of Southern California.  

The bottom line is simple.  

In November, we will have an opportunity to VOTE to REPEAL this TAX increase. You can show Sacramento that you do care and you won’t be pushed around!

There is speculation that Governor Brown plans to campaign to retain these unfair and unjust taxes and use some his $25 million campaign war chest to convince youto keep the tax. 

I urge you to join me in saying NO to both the Gas Tax and Car Registration fee increases. 

More proposed new taxes to consider: 

Four ballot measures are being pushed asking you to approve the sale of new government bonds that must be paid back with interest. Part of the requested $16 billion in new borrowing is for an $8.8 billion bond for water supply and storage efforts and a $1.5 billion project for improvements at 13 children’s hospitals. 

There is a $2 billion housing bond to fund new housing for the homeless. We are already paying additional taxes for the homeless with very little improvement in the homeless situation in Los Angeles. There is also talk about establishing a parcel tax of over $600 to benefit the Los Angeles Unified School District. All in all, it will be a costly time for Los Angeles and, indeed all California residents, who pay taxes. Think about the cost before you vote for more and more taxes. I urge you to examine the upcoming propositions and vote NO. Enough is enough. 

The latest crime stats under our new LAPD Chief of Police Michel Moore:  

As of June 30, the LAPD is at a strength of 10,020 sworn officers. As a side note, if you are interested in a career in law enforcement, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is short over 1,000 deputies and is actively recruiting and hiring. Most departments in California currently have openings for sworn personnel. 

Violent Crimes 

Homicide, Rape, Robbery and Aggravated Assaults.  Year to date (2018 vs 2017) -2.5% 

Property Crimes 

Burglary, Motor Vehicle Theft, Burglary/ heft from Vehicle, Personal/other Theft (2018 vs 2017) -2.8% 


Homicide, Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assaults, Burglary, Larceny and Motor Vehicle Theft (2018 vs 2017) -1.6%         

I welcome your comments and observations.  [email protected]




(Dennis P. Zine is a former and retired LAPD Supervisor, former and retired 12-year Los Angeles City Councilman and current General Manager at Bell Canyon in Ventura County.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.