Wed, Feb

Is Antonio Villaraigosa Really the Candidate for the People?


MY TURN-According to federal data, California is the fifth largest economy in the world ahead of the United Kingdom and therefore, the fiscal responsibility that is shown by our next state governor is crucial. 

When Governor Jerry Brown passes the torch to our next State Commander-in-Chief, he or she will be tasked with crafting an agenda and vision for our great state. Many are vying for the opportunity, and the former Mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa is among the hopefuls. His platform includes addressing the economy, equality in education and sustainability. Let’s review his track record in the City of Los Angeles and make an informed decision about his capabilities to serve as our next governor. 


According to the Los Angeles Times, in 2012, while serving as Mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa presented a City Budget that eliminated nearly 700 employees. The hardest hit were civilian employees from LAPD, Street Services and Animal Services. In addition, in 2009 more than 15% was cut from the budget of the Fire Department, resulting in a hiring freeze and a reduction in firetrucks and ambulances at more than a fifth of the city's 106 stations.   

Voters please take note that Antonio Villaraigosa is a former union organizer. 

Equality in Education 

It appears that Antonio Villaraigosa is a charter school supporter. While charter schools have offered research showing evidence of positive impacts on participating students, that does not take into account the indirect adverse effects on students, particularly in the area of equality. 

  • Charter schools are not subject to the same transparency and accountability as traditional public schools. 
  • Public funds are diverted to charter schools at the expense of the public school system. 
  • Charter schools serve far fewer students with special educational needs and disabilities. 
  • Charter schools do not follow the Brown Act, which delineates the public’s right to attend and participate in meetings; charter schools are allowed to have secret meetings. 


In 2007, former Mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa stated, “We all share a responsibility to address a global climate change. Global climate change is a real and gathering threat to our very way of life, here in Southern California and to the earth’s ecosystems.”

In 2017, former Mayor Villaraigosa told the Los Angeles Times that there’s not enough concern about the environmental impacts of climate change on the poor. 

Why then, did Antonio Villaraigosa accept money for his gubernatorial campaign from big oil companies and then claim to be unaware that he did? 

The governor serves as the leader of the executive branch and holds the highest office in the state. As taxpayers, we should focus on whether our next commander-in-chief exhibits the ability to exercise needed fiscal responsibility. We also expect accountability and the highest ethical standards from the person we entrust to carry out the duties of governor. That is the obligation of public service. 

Register to Vote!!! 

(Diedra M. Greenaway, MS/MBA, is a Los Angeles City Budget Advocate and BA Budget Chair for the Department of Economic and Workforce Development. Diedra is a CityWatch contributor.)Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.