Mon, Feb

Have Hope: All That Trump Has Done Can be Undone


POLITICS--As a liberal Democrat, I join all that wake up each day to see and hear the horrors that Trump and the GOP have accomplished.

We have had a constant diet of their greed and desire to undermine everything that President Obama accomplished combined with the onslaught of removals of any possible positive that involves “we the people.” As a nation, we are overwhelmed with the trashy and disgusting rhetoric, the outright illegal actions that are being allowed to continue by this regime, and the nonstop bills and laws being passed that not only line the pockets of the Republicans and the wealthy but attack the very core nature of the Constitution. If you step back and take a hard look, you will realize that while the GOP has been waiting for this moment to happen, when we put Democrats back in power, we can reverse everything that they have done.

Yes, this may a boasting statement, but as we watch the elections that are occurring around the country we are already seeing a Blue Wave. Even Independents are joining the call and voting Democrat to simply oust this monstrosity of individuals that are so busy profiting and ignoring laws. Many of us have not only commented but yelled that if the Democrats had done even one one-hundredth of what the GOP is doing, they would have screamed bloody murder and created a litany of investigations for every minor situation.

It is unsure if there is any individual or organization that is keeping track of all the draconian and downright fascist actions, bills and laws that this group has pushed forward. There have been individual groups that have been following specific topics such as women’s rights, the environment, international relationships/alliances, healthcare, and crimes against the Constitution; but it has become almost impossible to put a combined list together as they continue to overwhelm us every day.


Don’t Fall Prey to Their Tactics — They are Losing

The midterms are coming and if you look at this chart you will see a reflection of something that hasn’t happened in the history of our country. More Democrats have signed up to run than ever before and the number of Republicans is not only dropping off, but a high percentage of those that are up for re-election are not running at all. Even with the backing of the billions of dollars from the likes of the Koch Bros. and the Sinclairs, they are seeing the writing on the walls.

Knowing that they will be losing, the conservatives are shifting their attention to areas of change that will support their causes as they buy up the various media stations and try to create their own versions of brainwashing propaganda. They are also trying to pass bills that restrict or limit the reversal process and adding elements on a state level that remove the 1st Amendment rights of the Constitution.

In other words, they know they are losing and are in the final death throw of survival.

An article by RealClearPolitics makes an excellent statement:

“Legislation isn’t forever. Damage to the nation’s reputation isn’t forever, either.”

This doesn’t mean that the process of undoing will be easy and, in many cases, there will be a fallout that can’t be repaired. In the same article RealClearPolitics says:

“Granted, some damage by Trump cronies can’t be undone. The deregulation of carbon emissions, even on a short-term basis, will hurt the whole planet. Victims of employment discrimination or police brutality who get claims rejected will probably never be made whole. Consumers who get ripped off under practices that have been made legal by the CFPB are out of luck. And the next Democratic administration will have to spend time and resources undoing policy changes, sapping energy that could have been used elsewhere.

Perhaps most concerning, from a long-term perspective, is the Trumpification of the judiciary. When the Senate confirmed the 49-year-old arch-conservative Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, it instantly granted Trump a durable political ‘win.’ Just how much of a win will depend on future events. Gorsuch replaced Antonin Scalia, another arch-conservative. But three nonconservative [sic] Supreme Court justices — the moderate Anthony M. Kennedy and the liberals Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer — will be 80 by the midterm elections. If one of them leaves the court and Trump confirms a replacement, the court will move rightward for decades. This shift would have a huge influence on the course of American politics, not least by sharply constraining what the next Democratic Congress can accomplish.”

However, even with the challenges listed above, those that are outraged at the downright idiocy of the Republicans that have teetered the country on an authoritarian regime, are finally recognizing the requirement to Vote Blue. Liberals of all persuasions as well as Independents outnumber the dying number of conservatives. Most recently we have seen a much younger group in the student realm step forward against gun violence and an overwhelming number of these young people are near voting age and hold disdain for the Republicans that are allowing and even blaming them for the slaughter of our children.

They Are Desperate Enough to Bring on a Recession and Wars

One of the main methods that Trump and his cohorts have used is in the consistency throwing out constant attention redirects and misinformation. This has always worked well for Trump as he knows that overloading the brain with lies doesn’t allow anyone to have the time to analyze and make a judgement call. He continues the practice until the information becomes meaningless. The GOP knows that this is how Trump has accomplished his sick position in life and is simply allowing it to continue unfettered; even when it crosses the legal lines.

Many political aficionados have discussed exactly how far with Trump and the Republicans take this, and the answer is: as far as they have to. The passage of their so-called “tax bill” and the removal of bank restraints are already seeing ramifications that professionals are stating will lead into another major recession. The alienation of our allies combined with Trump’s blatant support of Russia has realigned many of the trade deals so that the U.S. economy is feeling a hard punch.

The final expectation of those that study these topics is that the Republicans and Trump are willing to take the United States into a full-on war as well as a potential recession/depression, just to accomplish their goals. This will also redirect the attention of the people so that we are all more focused on surviving and will begin to drop off in our objection process.

It is up to each and every one of us to recognize that while it will take a long time to reverse the damage, it can be done. We will also have to acknowledge that the world may never see our country in the same way. It may take generations to forgive the people for voting for those that have taken us on the brink of fascism and attempted to destroy the very fabric of the Constitution.

Our responsibilities are set for the midterms in Nov. 2018 and to begin demanding clarity and transparency for the voting process itself. As we move forward in finding out all of the additional details regarding the Russian interference with our elections, we must require the removal of any practices supporting voter suppression, all gerrymandering, and proof that our votes are being counted legally.

Don’t make the assumptions that everyone else will cause a “Blue Wave” in the midterms. Get out and vote and encourage and even help others to do the same. Simple actions can cascade into larger ones and we must do this for our country and our future.

S. Novi

(S. Novi is a journalist that worked in the media and continues to seek out truth and integrity. A liberal and one that is suspicious of cults and empty promises. Novi posts at Medium.com  … where this perspective originated.)
