Wed, Jan

Stop the LA Trash Monopoly


TRASH TALK--What began in the back rooms of LA City Hall between Special Interests Groups, allies on City Council and the Mayor’s Office hit Housing Providers, HOA’s and all Commercial Business in Los Angeles like a 100-foot Tsunami. 

The Los Angeles Exclusive Trash Franchise Ordinance which spread through the development and implementation process at record speed, crashed down upon an unsuspecting business community and housing providers.

With the City of Los Angeles increasing the base rate as high as 100% above current cost and the additional charges being charged by the Franchise Haulers raising the rates as high as 1000%, the sticker shock could no longer be kept from the business owners, housing providers or HOA’s. Beginning in July of 2017 what taking place was now a stark reality.

When the companies which had been collecting commercial trash (some for as long as 60 years) and who were not awarded one of the 11 Franchise  Zones, received notice from the City that as of August 1, 2017 they could no longer service their customers or pick up commercial trash in the City; many saw their trash pickup stop for weeks on end.

Many were unaware this takeover of a Private Industry had even taken place. They saw their trash piling up for days and weeks. When they called the prior provider, they were informed they could no longer service them.

Many were referred to the LA Sanitation Department who in turn referred them to the Franchise Hauler. Many were told there was a “phase in” process and they will just have to wait.

In some cases, the Health Department issued Citations based on unsanitary conditions due to the accumulation of trash.

Why were there almost 25,000 customer complaints in the first six-month period?

Why were so many of those impacted unaware of what was transpiring to an issue so directly impacting them?

Documents submitted by the LA City Attorney in connection to the Legal Challenge shed some light on the lack of notice. With just 19 days to go before the July 1, 2017 date, only 28,000 of the 90,000 commercial customers had even been sent a notice of the change by LA Sanitation.

Of those 90,000 customers, only 8,000 had been given an evaluation of their service and only 2,000 had contracts for the new service.

This after more than 7 years of preparation? Who was tasked with the planning?

In March of 2017 the Department of Public Works requested the LA City Council authorize an additional $4,200,000 in additional payments to CH2MHill Engineers Inc. above the $6,000,000 for their services in connection with the development and implementation of the Franchise System.

How has that worked out?

The legal challenge to the Ordinance is making its way through the courts. Case BC677423 was filed against the City of Los Angeles and the Department of Sanitation for: 

  1. For Injunction and Declaratory Relief Against Defendants Based On Violations of California Constitution Articles XIII C and D (also known as Proposition 218, also known as “the Right to Vote on Taxes Act”)
  2. For Monetary Relief Against Defendants Based on Violations of California Constitution Articles XIII C and D (also known as Proposition 218, also known as “the Right to Vote on Taxes Act”)
  3. Intentional Interference with Contractual Relations 4. Fraud & Deceit.

As the legal challenge proceeds, other battles are being waged.

An effort is currently under way to have an Initiative placed on the November 2018 ballot. This would repeal the Exclusive Franchise System and replace it with a Non-Exclusive Franchise. The petition was approved for circulation by the Los Angeles City Clerk and is currently being circulated by over 500 volunteers.

The dead line to submit the 65,785 signatures is April 25, 2018.

You can support the effort by going to our website Nolatrashmonopoly.com and requesting a petition be sent to you and collect signatures.

You can contribute on line or via mail to help with the costs of the effort.

Our goal is to have 1,000 individuals on the streets by March 16th collecting signatures.

Join the fight and let’s work together to Repeal the LA Trash Franchise.

(This advertorial was paid for by The Ballot Initiative to Repeal the Exclusive Trash Franchise. David Hernandez is the lead proponent of the Initiative.)
