Sun, Mar

Top 10 Reasons Los Angeles Homelessness Will Soar Again in 2018


HOMELESS WATCH--1) Cost to build a SINGLE UNIT of “supportive housing” for LA’s homeless: $421,433 (footnote 1)

2) Cost to BUY a 1-bedroom CONDO in Westlake, or a 4-bedroom HOME in Riverside: $421,000 (2)

3) Number of homeless units built under Mayor Garcetti with $1.2 billion in HHH bonds: ZERO (3)

4) Cash spent by developers in 2017 to influence the City Council, mayor & officials to build MORE luxury housing: $4.8 million (4)

5) Skid Row’s average rent after the City Council gentrified the area for urban hipsters: $1,900/mo. (5)

6) Of 20 new residential towers slated for South Park, number that offer affordable units – TWO (6)

7) Affordable units planned for Westfield Promenade’s 1,400-unit mega-project in the Valley:  ZERO (7)

8) Number of households evicted by L.A. landlords so they could jack up rents in 2017: 1,200 (8)

9) Number of affordable bungalows & units razed by L.A. developers in 2017: “City Hall doesn’t keep track.” (9) 

10) Number of toilets Garcetti opened for 1,800 homeless people on Skid Row in 2017:  EIGHT (10)



  1. To view the data click here then scroll to the link "Prop HHH Developments Financial report."   
  1. Inland Empire Homes Between $400,000 and $450,000,” "One of Only of Four Units in This Building" “;
  1. Our LA: Top 10 Best (Open Space!) and Worst (Road Diets!) of 2017,” 
  1. https://ethics.lacity.org/pdf/pressrelease/press_121917_Lobbying_Q3.pdf;  http://2preservela.org/developers-spend-big-bucks-lobbyists-influence-la-politicians;http://2preservela.org/pay-to-play-los-angeles-developers-control-what-la-becomes;
  1. Wholesale District/Skid Row Los Angeles Apartments,” 
  2. South Park: Mapping 27 Projects,” 
  1. Approved by City Hall to create a “new downtown,” 
  1. LA Weekly, “Evictions from Rent-Controlled Apartments in L.A. Double,” 
  1. “LA City Council: ‘City Hall is Clueless about Its Role in Fueling Homelessness,’” 
  2.  Los Angeles Times, “L.A. Adds More Public Toilets as Homeless Crisis Grows,”


(Provided by 2PerserveLA.)
