Thu, Mar

You Will Never Guess What This LA Dentist Does to Make Thanksgiving Meaningful


RANTZ & RAVEZ---I begin this Thanksgiving edition of RantZ and RaveZ with a few RaveZ’s.

I remind you that a RantZ is an illustration of the evil or negative things we encounter while a RaveZ is the positive or good that I find in and around Los Angeles and our region of California. 

I want to first wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.  May this holiday season bring you and your family closer together and may the spirit of the season heal any conflicts you may have with members of your family and or friends.  

This is that special time of the year when we can enjoy the company of family and friends and dine on the bountiful foods we are all so blessed to have and enjoy in America during Thanksgiving.


While driving in Woodland Hills this past week, I noticed a number of homeless people gathering at the dental office of Dr. John Chaves on Comerica Lane.  

Having been a patient of Dr. Chaves for a number of years, I stopped in to check things out.  I quickly discovered that the doctor and his crew were providing FREE Dental Care for any and all homeless people that showed up at his office.  

The dental services included cleaning, cavity removal and a host of other dental services.  All being donated by the doctor and his very dedicated, efficient and successful team of professionals.  

Thank you Dr. Chaves for caring and helping so many of those in need of dental work that don’t have insurance or the funds to pay for dental services.  I later learned that this act of kindness is done by Dr.  Chaves annually as his way of giving back for the many blessings he has.        


Congratulations to Lieutenant Christopher M. Zine.  My son Christopher has been promoted to Lt of Police with the LAPD.  Chris is a very dedicated member of the LAPD and has made his mark in “Protecting and Serving” the people of Los Angeles.  Great job Son.


Now I will get to what many of you look forward to reading. The RantZ of the current season.  Crime is up and  continues to increase!


I will begin with the 11/11/17 LAPD COMPSTAT Citywide Crime Profile.  This report compares the 2015 to 2017 citywide crime stats.  Personnel numbers show the LAPD is currently at 9,988 officers.  

While the Department has a budget for 10,000 officers, they continue to run below the authorized strength  for a variety of reasons.  If you are interested in joining the LAPD or any other police agency, there are plenty of openings available.  

Violent Crimes, which include Homicide, Rape, Robbery and Aggravated Assaults are Up +16.6%. 

Property Crimes, which include Burglary, Motor Vehicle Theft, Burglary from Motor Vehicle, Personal/Other Theft are Up +9.0% 

Arrests, which include Homicide, Rape, Robbery, Burglary, Larceny and Motor Vehicle Theft are all  Down – 15.3%. 

The crime stats show us that we need to secure our property and not let it be visible to those that break into homes and cars and steal our property.  The bottom line is that Crime is up and Arrests are down.  Not a good trend to keep you and your family safe.  

When you go shopping this holiday season, make sure you place your items in your trunk and out of sight from those that may be inclined to steal from you.  Caution and awareness are always good for you to remember.  Remember when you Hide it and Lock it you will probably be able to Keep it. 

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I will hold my other RantZ for the next edition of RantZ and RaveZ.

(Dennis P. Zine is a former and retired LAPD Supervisor, former and retired 12-year Los Angeles City Councilman and current General Manager at Bell Canyon in Ventura County.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.
