Thu, Mar

District Attorney George Gascón Faces Unfair Labor Practice Charge Over Alleged False Statements


ADDA SPEAKS - The Association of Deputy District Attorneys (ADDA), representing nearly 800 line prosecutors in the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, has taken a decisive step against District Attorney George Gascón. Today, the ADDA filed an unfair labor practice charge against Gascón for what they deem to be false and anti-union statements made during an interview with a member of the Southern California News Group's editorial board.

In the interview, Gascón's statements, widely circulated in newspapers across Los Angeles and Orange counties, purportedly contained untrue accusations regarding the ADDA's stance on workplace rights. Specifically, Gascón alleged that the union rejected an offer to increase pay for its members, discouraged members from applying for promotions, and raised union dues without member consent.

ADDA President Michele Hanisee condemned Gascón's remarks, asserting, "George Gascón’s lies are designed to undermine the hard work that our union has done to stand up for and defend our members’ civil service and workplace rights."

However, the ADDA refutes Gascón's claims, stating that none of his allegations hold any truth. The ADDA's Board of Directors asserts that they have never discouraged members from taking promotional exams, and they challenge Gascón's assertion that he offered to increase deputies' pay, as he lacks the authority to do so.

Furthermore, the ADDA clarifies that any increase in union dues was approved by its members to cover legal expenses associated with protecting members from perceived retaliation by Gascón.

Reacting to the situation, ADDA Vice President Ryan Erlich criticized Gascón's motives, stating, "There’s only one reason for Gascón, or someone like him, to lie about the ADDA’s activities, and that’s to undermine the union’s credibility in the eyes of its members."

The timing of these allegations is notable as Gascón is currently running for reelection. Recent polling data indicates significant disapproval of his job performance among Los Angeles County voters, with over half expressing unfavorable views.

Gascón faces 11 challengers in the upcoming primary election on March 5, 2024, including four current deputy district attorneys. Notably, the ADDA has endorsed Deputy District Attorney Eric Siddall in this race, further underscoring the contentious relationship between Gascón and the union representing his prosecutors.


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