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6 Uses and Benefits of CBD On Skin 


HEALTH & WELLNESS - Over the last few years, CBD has taken the skincare and beauty industry by storm. With multiple studies uncovering the benefits of cannabidiol on the skin, skincare brands are now infusing CBD into their products.

Since it is a natural compound, it offers exciting health benefits without the downsides of synthetic products that are often full of harmful chemicals.

CBD oil has become an essential ingredient for beauty enthusiasts who want to experience some relief from an existing skin condition. Similarly, people who want to maintain their skin are switching to CBD skincare products.

While research clearly shows that CBD has multiple health benefits, it’s important to understand what it can do for your skin.

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol, abbreviated as CBD, is a natural component found in cannabis plants like hemp and marijuana. Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive properties.

Different species of cannabis plants have different amounts of CBD. However, the hemp plant contains high amounts of CBD, making it more suitable for extraction. Manufacturers use various methods to extract this compound from the plants before mixing the extract with carrier oils to make CBD oil.

However, it’s important to understand that hemp seed oil is different from CBD oil. While the two product names are often interchanged for marketing purposes, they differ significantly. Typically, CBD oil contains very high amounts of cannabidiol compared to hemp seed oil, which has trace amounts of cannabidiol.

CBD oil products available on the market come in different concentrations that people use in various ways. Ideally, you can use it as a topical application on the skin, put a drop under the tongue, or mix it with body lotions. 

According to research, the body contains cannabinoid receptors that play a vital role in various body processes. As a result, CBD has become an important product for the health and beauty industries.

Skincare Benefits of CBD

Studies on the benefits of CBD on the skin are still in their early stages. However, researchers have uncovered interesting facts for anyone who wants to enjoy the revitalizing properties of CBD oil.

CBD boasts significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Notably, full-spectrum CBD oil is also well-endowed with vital nutrients that promote healthy body functions.

The skincare benefits of CBD come from its interaction and relation to the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is responsible for maintaining a healthy balance between organs and body functions. Since the skin has cannabinoid receptors for the ECS, CBD oil can interact with the system and enhance its balance.

Mostly, skin problems stem from system imbalance and often manifest as inflammation. CBD oil can signal the ECS and help restore the equilibrium necessary for healthy skin.

1.  Skin Inflammation

Inflammation is responsible for causing and accelerating most skin conditions. According to studies, the endocannabinoid system is responsible for managing inflammatory responses in the body.

Further research into the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oil shows that it is effective in treating and preventing several skin problems. It was also found to be safer than conventional medications like corticosteroids.

The beneficial effects of CBD come from its interactions with CB2 receptors found in the endocannabinoid system. When CBD reaches your skin cells, it activates the receptors, which then balance cell communication with the body’s immune system. In turn, this effect suppresses inflammation, reduces swelling, and prevents redness.

Regular use of CBD oil can help keep skin inflammation at bay and prevent associated skin problems.

2.  Wrinkles and Anti-Aging

Most skin aging stems from excess exposure to ultraviolet rays and sunlight. Lifestyle factors like unhealthy diets, pollution, and stress can also make people develop skin wrinkles prematurely.

CBD is a natural plant-based nutrient containing high amounts of antioxidants vital for combating visible signs of aging. The antioxidants repair tissue damage by free radicals and reduce the amounts of free radicals in the body. It also helps the body regulate harmful free radicals that come from body processes.

Anti-aging products infused with CBD oil contain anti-inflammatory effects, which can help make wrinkles less visible. It can also help reduce skin ruddiness and dull tones.

3.  Acne

Acne is among the most common skin problems people experience at various stages in life. This skin condition appears when the skin sebum (the waxy substance secreted by your sebaceous glands) mixes with dead skin cells and dirt. When these pollutants are trapped in the skin pores, they cause clogging, leading to acne formation.

Primarily, acne has various causes, but using substances that contain anti-inflammatory properties can reduce its severity. Several scientific studies show that CBD oil has high levels of anti-inflammatory compounds. Therefore, people with acne problems can prevent breakouts with the regular application of CBD products.

CBD oil can protect your skin from several types of acne due to its propensity to regulate sebum secretion. It works by inhibiting the production of excess oil sebum hence controlling acne outbreaks.

Another significant factor causing acne is cytokines.  CBD skincare products set off a healthy anti-inflammatory reaction chain in cells that are prone to cytokines. This mode of action prevents the formation of acne. Most importantly, its antifungal and antibacterial properties help prevent infections from pollutants and dirt.

4.  Sensitive Skin

CBD products are known for their soothing compounds that have a soothing effect on your skin. The properties can help reduce sensitivity problems like skin reactivity and redness. Since all skin types are prone to the impacts of environmental stressors, CBD’s soothing properties can be beneficial to everyone.

Most importantly, Joy Organics creams and lotions contain a rich profile of substances and nutrients that are essential for nourishing and moisturizing the skin. As such, it can help prevent skin issues like roughness, peeling, cuts, and cracks. The anti-inflammatory compounds are great for repairing skin damage resulting from sensitivities. 

5.  Eczema

Eczema is a severe skin problem that is associated with cracks on some patches of the skin. Later, the ailing parts often become inflamed, turn red, and itchy. This skin condition can be quite embarrassing and stressful for the patient since it is very unpleasant. In fact, Eczema is a prevalent skin problem affecting 32% of Americans.

CBD oil can help alleviate the effects of Eczema thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to relieve skin dryness. Unlike other treatment options, CBD is an effective solution since it reverses the skin condition without undesirable side effects. And since it has an intrinsic interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system, it can help control allergic inflammations that cause Eczema.

6.  Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a problematic autoimmune condition that often infects healthy skin cells in the body. It works by accelerating the normal life cycle of healthy skin cells by stimulating a rapid multiplication of the cells found on the skin surface. This effect creates multiple patches of abnormal skin, red spots, and unsightly scales.

CBD triggers an interaction with the CB2 skin receptors of the endocannabinoid system and streamlines message delivery. This effect helps reduce miscommunication between the skin cells and the immune system, thus helping prevent and reversing Psoriasis. Also, it can ensure healthy and balanced multiplication of skin cells which restores natural skin conditions.

How to Use CBD for Skincare

There are several ways of using CBD for skincare, depending on the issue you are dealing with.

If you want to treat a localized skin problem, you might want to approach it from the outside. As such, CBD-infused topicals like lotions or creams are a great option. Topical applications work through interaction with CB2 receptors in the skin to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

When you have a skin condition that originates from imbalances within your body, it’s best to go for capsules, CBD oil, or other edibles. However, some people opt for CBD vapes as they offer higher cannabidiol concentrations in the body.

Choosing Authentic CBD Skincare Products

Since there are plenty of CBD products on the market today, it’s essential to understand how to choose the best options. Here are a few pointers:

  • Look for reputable and trustworthy companies that disclose CBD potency and provide dosage recommendations.
  • Check whether the brand provides third-party certifications or testing results on potency and purity. This helps you ensure the products don’t contain harmful additives that can compromise purity.
  • Look for products with stable packaging. Steer clear from CBD beauty products that come in clear bottles, jars, or transparent packaging that can expose the CBD to degrading elements like air and light
  • Choose full-spectrum CBD over other differentiators, as full-spectrum CBD is derived from the entire hemp plant and contains all the compounds found in the natural plant. This means you are getting a more effective product with better health benefits.


Skin problems can cause discomfort and adverse effects on the quality of life. Unlike most synthetic products for skin beauty, Joy Organics CBD can solve various skin issues without causing harmful side effects.

As a result, it’s possible to add CBD to your skincare routine without serious health concerns. Besides fighting skin inflammation, CBD-infused products can help in skin regeneration for healthy and glowing skin. 



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