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The Contribution of Private Investments in Urban Development and the Housing Crisis in California


FINANCE - There’s no doubt that California’s housing crisis is one of the most pressing issues in recent history. The ever-growing population leads to increased need for houses yet the supply keeps decreasing, especially in the big cities, for instance, Los Angeles and San Francisco. And because of the low supply and high demand, those same properties have surged in prices.

To make matters worse, that isn’t the only thing that affordable housing is lacking. It’s also been noted that the existing housing is inadequate. This is despite the fact that the government has been trying to come up with measures, which (unfortunately) aren’t enough to address the urgent issue. What is left as the only feasible alternative is the infusion of private funds targeting housing and urbanization for the betterment of California.

The Housing Crisis – Let’s Try First Understanding It

To begin with, let’s not mince words – this isn’t an issue that has emerged all of a sudden, out of the blue. It’s been going on for decades due to under-construction, strict zoning laws, and ever-increasing construction costs.

According to recent reports (McKinsey), a staggering 3.5 million homes would need to be built by 2025 to meet housing needs. And how when we still have the problems mentioned above?! Not to mention the increase in rent prices. For some, not even that is feasible, and they can only wish that one day, they’ll be able to buy/own a house. All of this especially affects big cities where people come for better business opportunities. Do you see the vicious circle that perpetuates the crisis?

Of course, things like this don’t affect the “highest” circle of people, but rather the ordinary, low- and mid-income individuals. Displacement and homelessness, it’s terrible to say, but in a way it has become an everyday thing. The shocking fact is that in LA the number of homeless people exceeds 40,000. Finding a solution was supposed to happen yesterday.

The state is actually trying to solve (or at least alleviate) this problem, but as it usually happens, it takes a very long time. Of course, who jumps in – people and private investors. 

By leveraging their expertise and resources, private investors can very quickly solve large projects for housing needs. In fact, private investors are the key to creating a balanced and sustainable housing market.

3 Roles of Private Investment in Urban Development

1.   Contributions to Housing Projects

Private investors have already been key players in developing innovative housing projects across California – multifamily and mixed-used complexes have been a hit in urban areas. With this, not only buildings were built for living, but real communities with jobs and various facilities were created.

Large private initiatives are much more flexible with solutions because they deal with specific problems of communities. Some go so far as to ensure that even the most vulnerable have access to safe living conditions.

2.  Financial Tools that Fuel Investments

It’s imperative that solutions to the housing problem become increasingly more imaginative/creative, and such adjustment also affects the ways in which private investors make their assets work, as well as how they navigate the real estate market.

There are systematic approaches to investments, but California DSCR Loans have given real estate investors another investment strategy (one of a few) where rather than focusing on ownership, they focus on the rental income of the property. This way of doing business is in line with long-term housing requirements, especially in areas where demand is high and it is very difficult to find affordable real estate.

3. Supporting Infrastructure and Urban Growth

It’s actually interesting how it turns out that people are left to their own devices – some don’t have enough resources, while others push a little. So that private investments don’t stop only at housing projects, but at the complete improvement of living conditions. Private investors support the development of green areas, the improvement of public transportation, and in LA even the development of the center.

All this leads to the creation of functional environments to make life as comfortable as possible, and both residents and companies benefit.

Challenges and Opportunities in Private Investment

Even though everything sounds ideal, it is not always so. Some of the challenges require investors to be persistent and innovative in planning because they may encounter obstacles such as strict zoning rules, excessively long project approval processes, and land prices. They need to think carefully about the entire investment due to possible economic uncertainties and the profitability itself.

Despite the obstacles, whoever wants to invest – there’s always a place. Undeveloped urban and suburban areas are always interesting because they represent the potential for growth and expansion, especially if they’re ecological projects with sustainable construction.


The state of California is currently experiencing a profound shortage of decent housing. Given the lethargic response from the state in addressing the problem, the private sector saw an opportunity to come forward with creative means for both housing construction and financing. And while the private sector (likely) isn’t doing it out of the kindness of their hearts, but rather have a financial motive – they’re still doing something, despite the challenges they face, that’s helping solve the issue.

For those who are motivated by altruism, ‘some human beings will always go out for another’; and perhaps the governing body of the State of California will also look for creative efforts to solve the issue more swiftly and more effectively.
