Wed, Feb

Foolish Americans: Russia Stole Your Country!


LEANING LEFT-There is no boundary for greed, and when it comes to conservatives, there never seems to be enough money to make them happy.

They not only have an “I’ve got mine, to hell with you” attitude, but they want to keep filling their moneybags with the few coins of the poor, giggling happily as they leave them in the dust. 

Under the rallying cry of “less government,” the Republicans not-so-quietly remove all guidelines that protect the American people from the corporations that have historically tried to destroy them as they craft a message for their Orc supporters to believe that it is pro-American to shoot themselves in both feet. They stuff U.S. flags into their hands and point fingers at liberals and people of color and other religions as those who should be blamed, and the morons idiotically follow them. You can see this on Facebook pages where their hyper-nationalism emulates that of any/all followers of fascist countries of the past. 

However, they went too far this time. As the conservative sheep send hateful comments to the allies that have stood by our side over the years and then express adulation for Russia and Vladimir Putin, a man who has been hell-bent on destroying all Democracies, they are too blinded to see that they have sold out their own country for a bag of Rubles. But this is just a scratch on the surface. As we continue to watch the horror story unfold, we are seeing that organizations such as the NRA accepted money from the Russians and then funneled it into Republican campaigns. Many were making note of the swaying of the GOP as members met with Russians prior to the 2016 Presidential Campaign and made drastic pro-Russia changes to their agenda. They didn’t even try to hide it; they were blatantly arrogant about it because they knew they were going to win due to the Russian interference in the election process. 

Putin Played the Trump Puppet and the Idiot American People 

Putin was KGB, and you never change that. He made use of his expertise, cunning and most of all “patience” in achieving his lifelong goal: getting rid of all forms of Democracy has been his desire for many years and while Trump wasn’t his first choice in accomplishing this, the Cheetoman became a useful tool. You see, Trump not only admires, but worshipsdictators and his obvious bromance with Putin was one of the things that gave Putin the Ace that he needed. 

Putin is the leader of a group of oligarchs who depend on him to coordinate a continuous flow of money into their bank accounts. One of the main problems has been the Russian sanctions and that was top of the list for Putin. Getting someone in office who would destroy the sanctions would give him and his fellow oligarchs all of the power they needed. An article in The Dallas Newscovers some of the intricacies and motivations of Putin. His vitriolic hate for Hillary Clinton, who saw through his game plan, was the deciding factor for election interference: 

In a recent interview with Vox.com, Yale University historian and author [sic] Timothy Snyder said, ‘Throughout the Cold War, Russia was always better than us when it came to penetrating their enemies and breaking them down from within. Rather than smashing things overtly, they would work from behind the scenes to cast doubt on things. They’d insert their people into enemy organizations and slowly create chaos from inside. They’ve always excelled at turning people against each other.’” 

This is how Putin and the Russians roll and as they followed the sheer moronic behavior of the extreme right supporters of Fox as well as the extreme left BernieBot elitists, they knew they had a perfect storm. They spent a long time crafting the exact same messages to each of the extreme sides, knowing that both would buy into the anti-Hillary propaganda. The right, because they believe anything, no matter how ridiculous, and the left because they seem to think they are revolutionaries (when in reality they are just picky, spoiled brats). The plan worked. I cover this in detail in my article: Extreme Right, Extreme Left: Two Sides, Same Coin. 

Putin studied the typical lame-brained Fox viewer whose mentality was no different than the pre-WW II Germans looking for people that were different to blame. He made use of the fact that many of these same people had little or no knowledge about how dictators rise to power and by using his cyber professionals, created a propaganda stream that validated the Right’s personal hatred for liberals and Hillary Clinton and slowly seeped a pro-Russia and pro-Republican message. Combine this with the insertion of Bernie Sanders as a spoiler to split the Democrats and Independents apart and it was a formula for success. Putin wrapped it all up in a package that included an important piece: hyper-nationalism. 

You see, this is important for the rabid followers of the conservative theme and Trump; they have to perceive their treason as “patriotism” and the liberal agenda, including the support of all cultures, colors and genders, as anti-American. 

Creating a Cult Helped to Promote the Sale of the Country 

You have to give Putin credit for both seeing and then taking advantage of the massive weaknesses of the American condition. The media has been turned into a circus, chasing whatever story will increase their ratings, and this was a key element to make use of in creating the Trump cult. Just as Hitler and the Brown Shirts used the cry of “Lugenpresse” (lying press), Trump screams “fake news” and his sheep chant it over and over again. Dictators of the past attacked the media as well as people of other faiths and cultures. Many of them were thrown in jail or into camps until a “government approved” situation was established, getting rid of any “free press.” 

Trump based his entire campaign on hate, racism, bigotry and sexism and his supporters bought into the lies, hook, line and sinker. Fact checkers have been kept very busy as Trump continues to tell lies on a daily basis, often denying that he made a statement, even when videos and news releases show what he’s said. 

This is not a cut and dry situation, but a continued winding condition of intrigue and manipulation. Putin knows that all he has to do is offer Trump a compliment or two and Trump will be eating out of his hand, willing to do and say anything to maintain approval. The cult mentality of the TrumpTrolls is covered in my articleThe Cult of Trump - What the Foolish Supporters Refuse to Recognize Trump tells supporters, ‘What you’re seeing … is not what’s happening.’ 

“Once an individual buys into the values (or lack thereof) of the cult belief system, they are hooked. Like an addictive drug, they are continually fed reasons and explanations as to why extreme actions are taken and given a twisted rationalization for validation. There is a progress of steps, each one begin more extreme, until it crosses over their own personal barriers and becomes enmeshed as part of the whole.” 

Republicans Are Undermining the Voting Process: Cheating is the Only Way they can Win 

As the story of the sale of the United States to Russia continues to unfold, we are seeing quite a lot of indictments based on the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Let’s be clear: indictments are not made without a LOT of evidence, and the volume of indictments brought against Trump associates, as well as Russians, is astounding. We are seeing the fact that the NRA has admitted to taking Russian money for elections and as we follow that money, the trail leads to the GOP itself. 

But here’s the thing: The conservatives know they are outnumbered by Democrats and Independents and the ONLY way that they can win is to cheat. This has been demonstrated with years of planned gerrymandering and now, with the most recent rejection of plans to countermeasure all cyberattacks by foreign governments. While on one side the Republicans make a weak voice against Trump for not disavowing Russian interference, on the real side they are going to allow any kind of interference for up and coming elections, including the midterms. 

A Washington Post article hits this topic: 

“On Thursday, Republicans rejected a measure by Democrats to send states a new infusion of $380 million in federal cash to help fund their election security needs in 2019, as my colleague Erica Werner reported. The party-line vote on an amendment to an appropriations bill prompted a bitter fight on the House floor with Democrats accusing the GOP of failing to stand up to Moscow and Trump, while Republicans dismissed the attacks as an attempt to score political points, saying states already had the resources they needed.” 

Millions of dollars have been made available to combat cybersecurity problems in elections and yet $0 has been spent. This is another deliberate step to keep the GOP in power by allowing the cheating from a foreign government…any government. 

Individual Members of the Media are Standing Up 

The TrumpTrolls have been spreading the “fake news” mantra against such sources as CNN and MSNBC, only believing the brainwashed propaganda of “Trump approved” Fox (which isn’t a valid news organization). However, it appears that there are now members of the media such as Jim Acosta, (photo left) of CNN, who are finally standing up and revealing the sick and twisted truth behind the people in the White House. 

If this country is going to survive and not filter into a history book as Rome did, we need more of these and others to have the guts to stand up. America was built on protest and it is our duty to not only vote those out that are destroying the government but to take a hard stand, gloves off, when we see that the country is going astray. 

The Russian interference is also already being seen as they are having people call into the various media stations to praise Trump and his idiot band of morons. These are paid trolls, in the same way that they were paid to create misinformation on social media. 

The midterms are on the horizon and no one should be cocky about it. We must get all liberals out to vote for the Democrat representatives. We are seeing some success across the country, but this is an all-out effort. We need to put Democrats into positions to begin reversing the damage this administration has caused and put those in jail those who have participated in the treason. 

The country and our very existence depends on it.


(S. Novi is a journalist who worked in the media and continues to seek out truth and integrity. A liberal and one that is suspicious of cults and empty promises.) Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.