Mon, Feb

Bill Maher: America Must ‘Start Penalizing Liars’ Like Donald Trump … Sue ‘em’


VOICES-Bill Maher is calling time on liars. On Friday’s broadcast of “Real Time,”the comedian said people including President Donald Trump should be held more accountable for their lies. 

Speaking about Trump’s “very disturbing” Thursday interview with“Fox & Friends,”Maher said the president had broken “his own record lying within a sentence.” “I swear to God, he was talking about CNN, he goes, ‘I don’t watch it at all. I watched it last night,’” he explained. 

People had “normalized” Trump’s lies, Maher added, before claiming “the most important thing we have to do in America right now, is start penalizing liars.” 

“(Former President Barack) Obama should sue Trump for saying that he wire-tapped him,” said Maher. “I’m just saying that I don’t think we can leave this in the court of public opinion anymore. That’s what the liars want.”


(Lee Moran, Spanish/English journalist,is Trends Editor at the HuffPost where this originated. He is based between Bristol, UK, and Alicante, Spain.) Prepped for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.