Thu, Oct


It's Frog, not Phryge


ERIC PREVEN’S NOTEBOOK - Janice Hahn is all in - she endorsed Kamala Harris over Joe Biden way back when, so, that better be worth a lot if she wins.  I assume Hahn wouldn't mind a nice tour of duty as the Ambassador to someplace pleasant... why not Australia, off-season?

Meanwhile, in the upscale enclave of Brentwood, zip code 90049, where meticulously manicured lawns meet the pristine facades of multimillion-dollar estates, there is a palpable sigh of relief that the confusion atop the Democratic ticket has been resolved.  Yet, this relief is tempered with a touch of apprehension. The thought of one of their own ascending to the highest office in the land brings with it a prospect far less glamorous than the neighborhood’s typical concerns: traffic.

Brentwood's current residents of Supervisorial District 3 enjoy a lifestyle of serene affluence, where the hustle and bustle of the city feels worlds away despite inconceivably bad traffic to Dodgers' stadium.  

Au revoir! 


However, the potential presidential motorcades, increased security details, and media frenzy threaten to disrupt this tranquility. While the presence of law enforcement is usually a welcome sight, the idea of Brentwood transforming into a San Clemente North—a nod to the tumultuous times when Nixon’s presidency brought similar issues—does not sit well with the locals. 

A Win Win Win Win Win Lose Write-off:

So, the Olympics are supposed to be about celebrating the hardworking, unsung athletes of the world, right? Then why is LeBron James carrying the torch for the USA? He certainly doesn't need the exposure, but Casey Wasserman and his marketing maniacs will take it. It's a no-brainer. If it were another time and place, Paul Krekorian would be unfurling a furious admonishment demanding that a one-armed archer or a celebrated kayaker math teacher be the one to become a beacon of inspiration. Nope. LeBron sells, and the Olympics are all about pay-to-play, bruv. Get on board. He's the greatest player of all time—asterisk. 

Krekorian, along with a host of local politicians, is planning a Parisian pilgrimage for the entirety of the Games, arriving on July 24 and departing on August 12. Mayor Karen Bass will make multiple trips, accompanied by First Lady Jill Biden. City Councilmember Traci Park will attend the closing events, and Supervisors Janice Hahn and Lindsey Horvath will also be present, all on taxpayers' dimes. Yay!

"It is the single biggest event in the world. That’s not something you can learn by mail order. You have to touch and feel it and see how it’s done,” said Krekorian, justifying the lavish trip funded by his office’s travel budget.

As these politicians prepare for their Olympic vacations, one can't help but sigh at the irony. The Games are about celebrating athletes, but it seems our leaders are more interested in celebrating themselves. 

The Emmy award-winning star of the American icon Sesame Street Kermit the Frog famously noted, "Always be yourself. Never take yourself too seriously. And beware of advice from experts, pigs, and members of Parliament."  

Smart Speaker: Yes and city council members.  

And it can't hurt to also be wary of traveling supervisors and their delegations to the Paris Olympics!  This brings to mind one more good reason not to expand the Board of Supervisors or City Council so quickly: any expansion will likely lead to more international boondoggling as local elected officials blur the lines between official duties and consultancy roles.

"Official consultant" is a zeitgeisty term. Once any Ethics Commission holdback has lapsed, let the official consultant games begin! There should be no monetizing for work being done now while still in office, guiding the marketing funnel into the correct local veins to secure robust tax breaks for our treasured billionaires. 

Smart Speaker: What about rank-and-file Angelenos?

Answer: Traffic and swim lessons.  And re: capitalizing, just charge quadruple after the holdback lol (not funny)

Monetizing big sporting events can stoke big feelings among local pashas. The Intuit Dome will be opening in just a few weeks, and (record scratch sound here) Rep. Maxine Waters is now actively trying to halt the $2-billion Inglewood Transit Connector (ITC) project. This project aims to link SoFi Stadium to Los Angeles' rail network. She criticized the project for its high costs and lack of benefits for local residents, arguing it primarily serves sports and entertainment venues rather than addressing community needs. Waters suggests the funds would be better spent on affordable housing programs and claims the project threatens to displace long-time Inglewood residents and small businesses.

Get her out of here.  

The Phryge:

Where the hell is Kermit or Sam the Eagle? This is precisely why we need cute mascots to work through local marketing issues alongside lobbyists like Edgar Khalatian of Harvard-Westlake-Mayer-Brown. [It's not a private athletic complex, silly, it's a community amenity for the licensed public between 10:30am and 12:15pm tk."]  

Kermit, a green giant in the industry once quipped about his on-off relationship with Ms. Piggy, "Me? In love with a pig? Wait till I tell the guys in marketing."

In Los Angeles, the only guys are guys in marketing (and gals, and Pigs). Not in Paris.


The new mascot, the Phryge, is an interesting take.  Decked out in the French tricolor with the golden Paris 2024 logo, it symbolizes a revolution through sport. “Sport can change lives,” they say.  

Kermit knows this applies to frogs, as well. Ever the opportunist, Kermit ought to consider becoming a marketing consultant in Paris.  Why not?  A person close to the Frog said, "Kermit likes the idea of Sam the Eagle, but for a big torch pass like the Olympics, it really needs to be someone who is green. Especially now!"

Despite the usuals (like me) who will scoff, we sincerely hope that any local officials from Los Angeles attending the Paris Olympics will at least fly first class in honor of public convenience and necessity.  Paris during the summer is a great time for maximum security and if members of the LA delegation would bunk in together,...  we could save money on the LAPD detail.

Smart Speaker: What LAPD detail?

Answer: Remember Eric Garcetti, the Ambassador to India's LAPD detail? Matthew Garza --

Smart Speaker: No, we don't remember.  Get him out of here!

The Olympics is about optics and making connections—preferably green ones—and opportunities.


Smart Speaker: Phryge? (It's a cap!) 


Answer: Fine, remember, Sam the Eagle, the stuffed animal... he flies free. If Paul Krekorian is planning to spend nearly a month in Paris on the public's dime, would he mind sharing a room with Sam the Eagle or Councilmember Imelda Padilla (CD6)? It's not clear what happened to Katy Yaroslavsky (CD5), the Council President's bestie from the spring Paris vacation, where he set up his lodging. 

Theater Politics: 

In the theater of politics, appointing and anointing are not so different. As the President plans to hand his delegates to Kamala Harris, making her the party nominee, some grumblings arise from those who claim to value transparency and democracy. Yet, these same voices seem to forget their own history of backroom dealings.

Consider Heather Hutt, who replaced convicted felon Mark Ridley-Thomas. Appointed over local cries for transparency, Hutt's rise was shepherded by Paul Krekorian, the same man who was Herb Wesson’s right-hand consigliere while serving on the Budget Committee and Claims Board. Two eyeballs for the price of four, indeed! And let's not forget the third member of their city hall triumvirate, Jose Huizar, who ran an organized crime ring and is destined for jail. One wonders if a President Harris might issue a pardon for him, given their federal charges.

The same folks crying out for democracy and due process now were silent when their own interests were at stake. When Hutt, a seasoned communications and marketing expert, was appointed to fill Ridley-Thomas’s term, the council's rush to anoint her was met with boos from those who wanted a special election. Monica "More Democracy" Rodriguez lamented the lack of transparency, echoing sentiments of an ignored public process.

As we watch the high and mighty play their games, it's clear that principles are easily compromised when it means getting ahead. Whether appointing or anointing, the result is the same: winning at any cost.

Living the Dream: Consultant

As Netflix drops the new season of "Emily in Paris" and the game "Netflix Stories: Emily in Paris," let the Olympic games begin for Paul Krekorian, CD2 who is about to be termed out. Just as Emily ventured to Paris to manage a fashion house, Krekorian is heading to the City of Love to envision an international "consulting" house. With surprises and challenges ahead, both in the show and real life, will the council president navigate his path to success and perhaps find unexpected connections? Or will the annoying Feds in berets finally catch on?  The games are on, blending ambition and allure in Paris.


(Eric Preven is a longtime community activist and is a contributor to CityWatch.)