ERIC PREVEN’S NOTEBOOK - Remember it is one budget, one item, one opportunity, and one opportunity for the public to call in.
Memo No. 6 arrived from the CAO via email addressing question No. 302.
The City is engaged in something like Sportswashing with this ruse. Call it, Budget Washing,
A measure of gratitude is in order for Council member Bob Blumenfieild of CD3. A very small measure because he has been repeatedly advised to do the right thing and take public comments at every meeting.
Memo No. 6 referenced the City Council's directive to the CAO, Matt Szabo, to develop and issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking one or more non-profit partners to implement a pilot program for unarmed crisis response (C.F. 20-0769).
This RFP was released in March 2022, and a recommendation to execute contracts with the selected service providers is pending before the City Council (C.F. 20-0769-S6).
The plan is to execute and administer service agreements with Alcott Center for Mental Health Services (Alcott), Exodus Recovery, Inc. (Exodus) and Penny Lane Centers (Penny Lane), to provide unarmed crisis response services within designated pilot program geographic areas, for a term of one-year and for an aggregate contract amount of $10,504,461.
Following the effective implementation of a pilot program, the City intends to scale the program to provide unarmed crisis response coverage citywide on a continuous 24-hour, 365 days a-year basis.
Great! How much time do I have left?
Zero. You are not in this meeting.
Budget Train Keeps Rolling:
Monica Rodriguez asked about the South LA shelter and getting resources to fix it up to keep things cool with the not-for-profit that has been operating it.
Everybody remembers the blistering LA Times expose from Dakota Smith, ‘It’s inhumane’: Dogs at L.A. animal shelters go weeks or months without being walked.'
Katy Yaroslavsky was very focused on how it could possibly cost over $700,000 to install or repair wifi in the animal shelters.
"Thank you for that question and your leadership."
The answer will be forthcoming.
Yarolavsky also mentioned that she was paying $100 for the internet to her large house.
Spectrum has a deal... but every time I turn the tv on I am ramrodded to the LA Times channel.
Naturally, animal services is severely resource restrained. Stand by for a move-around.
When Holly J. Wolcott, the clerk came out around lunchtime on Monday she had an exciting update regarding access to public meetings. Bob Blumenfiled praised her for being the first department to cost less money, this year.
Whereas, virtual testimony has been unceremoniously yanked from committee meetings by Paul Krekorian, Spanish translation, she announced, is coming to a committee near you, soon.
When? By the end of summer recess, according to Lattimore. "Hello, Lattimore!" "Hello, Preven!"
ITA is upgrading the audio installation and readying the new committee meeting room, 401.
Very very exciting. Why was the public not consulted?
Sentence Enhancement Request:
When Krekorian goes down in flames for nixing virtual testimony with a flick of his pen and pretending it''s reasonable.
We should make sure he gets the recognition he deserves as a total POS for quasi-cloaking, wherein an inarguable GOOD (translation services) is perversely used to justify otherwise horrifyingly BAD behavior. Namely, blocking virtual testimony from committee meetings.
"We aren't able to do everything we'd like to, Mr. Flexibility, but we added Spanish. Next Speaker. Actually, no speakers today because Mr. Blumenfield is not in the mood."
He's busy decarbonizing the Zoo.
Debasing the Public One Item at a Time:
From time to time, whenever Chairman Blumenfield deems it appropriate member of the public is defenestrated from the hallowed chambers.
The public hearings have been botched badly...
On Mon, May 1, 2023 at 9:31 AM Eric Preven wrote:
This morning's public hearing is defective.
1) No public comment
2) Youtube Channel is down.
3) Cease and Desist and re-agendize with public comment on agenda each day.
Very bad.
Eric Preven
From: Ted Ross <>
To: <>
Cc: Holly Wolcott <>; Strefan Fauble <>; David Michaelson <>;<>; Scott Marcus <>; John Popoch <>
Dear Mr. Preven, Feel free to watch the hearings via other avenues (e.g.,, etc).
Eliminate graffiti, potholes & more with the MyLA311 app!
Jacqueline Dupont-Walker faces #BlumenfieldsNOSE touting a strong equity lens. A civil rights leader shrunk down to invisible is ironic, like a Fire in the Firehouse.
The Fire Department has a new Chief, Crowley and she's an LGBTQ+ woman. Mazel Tov.
Katy Yaroslavsky asked her, "What are the diversity numbers?"
"Still, 3% women."
Look down, here. (in shame)
Chief Crowley said one concern was 75 current paramedic vacancies... which will peak later this year at 136 vacancies. Anything over 100 vacancies become very very challenging, she said.
Need to address our fleet. Of our 572 total inventory vehicles, 129 or 22% are out of service.
Everyone agreed on two effective ways to smuggle women into the fire department, the EMT program and also the wildland fuel management units, hand crews that help mitigate risk, but also work as a recruitment tool.
Someone asked about the therapeutic transport vans that are perennially contingent on what the county wants to do. Curren D. Price said he was interested in the behavioral program - "who rescues the Rescuers?"
PHOTO SHOOT (What an asskisser)
The chief revealed that there were two fire psychologists for the 3400 firefighters.
Maybe they could help crack the code to make the fire department more appealing to women and others.
The Chief spoke for what seemed like several hours weaving a tapestry of confusion and clarity, cheerfully explaining the unexplainable, and mesmerizing the city into... mo po-lice.
The Chief asked all his new recruits, recently, how long did it take to get squared away since they'd applied.
They routinely told him it took over 90 days to complete just one of seven steps,.. the 'field investigation' component. Apparently, there is quite a backlog.
The Chief touted Brian Williams, a move-around who came from being the Executive Director of the Sheriff's Civilian Oversight Commission that went to war against Alex Villanueva for the Supervisors.
The Chief defended his so-called, "bounce" plan to bring back up to 200 former officers who already went out on DROP and or retired. Sigh.
"The system is bigger than everybody is here..."
Rodriguez asked for "$5M for businesses to reduce smash and grabs, foot patrols." Isnt' that what Bids are for?
The Chief said he was looking to identify the holes and the opportunities.
Blumenfield wondered what if any incentives or annyyything, might be needed to attract people to law enforcement in this day and age.
More lateral transfers.
Monica Rodriguez stepped up for Kevin De Leon and requested $2M for the Hollenbeck division that covers El Sereno who came out in force the other day.
This led to a discussion about OT.
Katy Yaroslavsky who reps the fancy hills of Koretz, wanted to address party houses in her fancy district. Summary: Chief agreed, but needs to have maximum OT flexibility about how and where to smear it around to get the biggest bang for the buck.
Price asked about the Olympics and was told the Mayor had carved out six positions to be ready... for 2028.
Rodriguez, pushed back slightly, saying we already had the Super Bowl here, and it's five years away.
Chief Moore thanked the mayor on that one. It was her idea and the chief of staff is that Olympics guy Chris Thompson. Sigh.
Of course, it's not an LAPD budget hearing if the cost of spewing helicopter fuel all over children and the efficacy of chasing perps with helicopters doesn't come up.
The Chief said they have a policy but would re-examine it.
Apple Air Tags are being handed out in New York by Mayor Eric Adams to stymie a rise in grand theft auto, there.
The chief, said, "Unaddressed disturbances that don’t get our presence… can turn into shootings."
Odd Balls Only:
Bernyce Hollins was given, um, unlimited time to manage the feisty committee comprised of, Bob, um, Blumenfield (CD3) Curren D. Price (CD9), Monica Rodriguez (CD7), Katy Yaroslsavsky (CD5) and Tim Mcosker (CD15)...all ODD numbered Council Districts, so that's weird and impactful come election time.
(Eric Preven is a longtime community activist and is a contributor to CityWatch. The opinions expressed by Eric Preven are solely his and not the opinions of CityWatch)