Sat, Mar

Raman HQ


ERIC PREVEN’S NOTEBOOK - Krekorian was in fine form, carefully trying to enforce the rules in the face of an angry dozen or so speakers who have been yelling at city council for several weeks. 

“If a City Council meeting is obstructed, its work doesn’t get done,” said City Atty. Mike Feuer, who has so far skirted indictment.   He was in City hall to commemorate an anti semitism motion. 

Lindsay Horvath, the only candidate endorsed by Planned Parenthood, came was also in city council to collect donations and gather political support.  I wondered if she'd had a chance to ask the city attorney why the public speakers appear the size of #Blumenfield's nose?   

As the meeting rumbled forward, "two more people are now standing in aisle shouting..."  the beleaguered chair, Paul Krekorian, lamented. 

Krekorian kept trying to do the right thing, "this meeting will not be disrupted, anyone actually disrupting is subject to removal.  Please, have a seat and be silent... "    

The City attorney, Strefan Fauble, who returned after a day off said, that any of these people who are removed or have been before, they will be excluded from the next meeting per council rule 7."  

Krekorian told the LA Times it was imperative that the council meet, “A community center may not open, a vital project for the homeless may not go forward, overtime may not be approved for police officers, victims of human trafficking might not get services they need.”   

Everyone, liberals and conservatives would agree, "some of these assholes have to be arrested. There is simply no other way." 

This is a great color on anyone, even Krekorian, a little white guy with a white head of hair, in case you forgot that he's white.  

Krekorian seemed exhausted fighting the good fight, but it was an act, "Sorry, I've lost track."   

Of course, a moment later, he found his legs, and the energy for one more BIG self-congratulatory pontification.  

"If this council were not meeting today, we couldn't do it... so, now 250,000 constituents of CD6 would have been left without a voice, but thanks to us meeting, we are responding and so we stand in solidarity..." with what one speaker described as a "hurry up election to replace CM Nury Martinez" who went down the drain recently. 

To close, Krekorian said, "we've taken every legal step to urge the resignation and removal... under the charter, there is no provision - other than absence or failure to conduct city business -- so we can explore what that means and the limits of our power... 

The salaries of Los Angeles City Council members remain highest in the nation.  

"That was disgusting" said one member of the public, following the meeting, referring to Paul Krekorian's hypocrisy.  "He plays the role of sober arbiter... 'Please stop screaming.' That's a nice color on anyone.  Then he uses the same high ground, he's earned for enduring the abuse from the gallery, to inflict power against his real critics." Like, Eric Preven. 

He tried to shut me down as being off topic, just as I hit my stride. 

Grand Slamming

My people have hit it out of the park today, thank you for all coming down. I think the point made by a few sharp supporters of the effort against antisemitism, we don't want to inadvertently limit the way people protest against the state of Israel, or any other state, including Louisiana… 

There are a lot of different incidents here and abroad... I think we should go with the Jerusalem language if people are okay with that.  I know nobody wants to get territorial in this space.  This is an area where we want to cooperate and unite against antisemitism everywhere, including… City Council.  

I was horrified when Mitchell Englander and all the usual customers, Bob Blumenfield, Mike Feuer and of course, Head Rabbi, Paul Koretz were standing there as Englander made crass, lightly antisemitic remarks - the worst kind of antisemitism. 

Get somebody from the ADL up here to join me on that -- the lite antisemitism is the worst.  Because when you see an imbecile with a swastika on behaving like a lunatic, everybody understands, what's going on.   

When you see our very own indicted felon, Mitch Englander, making jokes about the budget and finance committee being run by you know -- it's not a good area and it's very very shameful. 

Remembrance... yes.   

Remembrance of all the shame in this hall, that was fostered by Herb Wesson and Nury Martinez.   And I would like all the great civil rights leaders to ask themselves when they glance back at their performance today; Why, pray tell, do I appear the size of #Blumenfield's Nose? Link

Feuer has done such a great job of evading the basic ground rules in city hall.  

Why not just be open, reasonable, and fair?  

Paul Krekorian: How about we get back to the agenda?  Or go to general public comment. 

Raman Headquarters:

Nithya Raman is the greatest of all time and she needs to step forward and recognize that the hotel at Sportsmen’s Lodge is the part of that property that should have been designated a cultural historic landmark.  

Hopefully, she’ll understand that the sheer size and scope of the proposed residences, coupled with the nasty legal fighting make now the ideal moment protect the hotel and put the kibosh on the Residences/cash register plans of Related companies and one-of-a-kind, bestie of Eric Garcetti, Richard Weintraub.  

Incidentally, what’s up relative to a lease with Ventura Ethel Ltd., at 13103 Ventura Boulevard for office space for Council District Four?  Does this new office have a theme and cost to the taxpayers?  Or is it just the same old bad idea? 

Is there a desk in this new office dedicated to investigating why a giant oversized building is being planned in our open space at the Studio City Recreation Center, over the strenuous objection of residents?  

Raman may have inherited the Prop K is not for Krekorian debacle, but IYKYK and even if the deep state of City Hall wants it, the people who live here do not want a giant structure in our field.  Too Tall. Stand Down. 

Morri A:  The E in Healey. 

Houston delivered a World Series no-hitter, which is rare, but one speaker at city hall put one over the center wall this week, with the bases loaded. 

“Hi, good morning. Sorry my hearing is lousy.  President Krekorian.  Saxophone club.   You are a perfect example of “good guys finish first.”  I mean, handsome, charismatic, bright, dedicated to the people -- 

Paul Krekorian:  Which items would you like to speak on? 

Morri A: That's enough about me, though. Back to you.  Sorry about that.  

Councilman Koretz, who is not only a great councilman and husband, but the best father that I know in this city.  Of the many people I know. I wish everybody knew that. 

In any event, my parents are holocaust survivors. My dad's wife and three kids were killed by the Nazis. And the rest of our family was killed. My mother was a survivor.  All of her family was killed. Her brother survived, and as a beautiful woman she was raped and treated in the most despicable way people can treat one another.  

And so little has been said about women, not only jews, but gypsies, Lutherans, everybody that was killed in the holocaust and the way the women were mistreated.   

The federation people have done a great job, I'm sure you'll do the right thing.  

The important thing is number one, that other people who were mistreated during the holocaust are also acknowledged; there's also language to protect them in the future.  

And most importantly, you guys do such a good job and you are judged by your worst moment of your life.   

I've been judged that way and it's beyond painful. I kind of sadly, went through a Thom Girardi nightmare, but anyway, you guys do angelic work in the most difficult circumstances, so I couldn't be more grateful to Mr. Blumenfeld (Blumenfield) and all of you because I know how much you do because I've been involved in politics for thirty-five years.  

I am just so grateful to the Police, here, who protect all of us and bring order out of chaos.  

I love you, Paul.” --30-- 


No further questions, your honor.  

Then, came a muslim leader... who wanted to join in, but felt the resolution went beyond ant-semitism. The IHRA definition is sharply focused on Israel... and could impinge on one’s civil rights to criticize foreign states, such as Israel. 

Here, we can criticize “America, god, religion... when I cannot criticize a foreign state, something is wrong."  

Then, Serena Oberstein, oy vey, the former ethics commissioner who is married to Jeremy Oberstein, a longtime Krekorian fabricator at CD2 who also worked at LAFD during the low point and for Ron "Daily Affirmations" Galperin, spoke.  

Laughter on the 24th Floor:

Counselor Moretz; are Caruso and Bass targeting Asians?  

“In the years before the museum opens to the public, we are using our public programming to highlight the ways narrative art shows up in our lives,” said Elizabeth Escamilla, director of education at the Lucas Museum.

 “Tarot and Lotería cards might not be the first things that come to mind when thinking of narrative art, but using both card decks is a practice in reading, understanding, and communicating visual narratives.” 

In tarot, a reader interprets imagery on the cards to create narratives to illuminate a person’s past, present, and future and guide their decision-making. In the Bingo-like game of Lotería, rather than name a card, the announcer often uses riddles or clever poems to describe it. 

For example, the nine syllable call to action: “Lossa booze in the flidgelator”   

Will the Lucas Museum be FREE?

Pronunciation errors can be amusing in any language and when one speaker thanked Maurice Harris Dawson and Paul Kevorkian, who he later called, Paul Karokian, the public had a little giggle.  NOTE:  Mispronunciation is not typically a hate crime but could be.  

Harkens back to the Picture Book library...  and Counselor Moretz. 

A short film about a librarian from a sister city in Taiwan who said some beautiful but also humorous things to councilman, Koretz, but called him Moretz.  Simple, funny.

"Express my heartiest inspiration... especially President Wesson and counselor Moretz."

"I am very impressive with the democracy ..." 

"Beautiful city.  I love it. " 

"Bring back picture book from your journey. " 

"We used to be a child, and we invite you to join this program to bring back picture book 

for children.  One book means one love.  Welcome to Taiwan someday "   

Please give it a listen and note the picture book put together from iPhone images of the council chambers during public meetings.


Felipe Fuentes

Paul Koretz (Counselor Moretz)

Bob Blumenfield #Blumenfield's nose

Marqueece Harris-Dawson

Mitchell Englander

Harry Edo

Gary Alietti

Dion O'Connell

Herb J. Wesson 

Mayor Eric Garcetti

Jeffrey Prang, Assessor

Howard Sunkin (Lobbyist)

Mayor Laura Shay 

Richard Weintraub (Sportsmen's Landing Developer)

Aaron Greene (Lobbyist)

John Amato (Harvard Westlake Bridge)

Edgar Khalatian (Lobbyist)

Richard Commons (Harvard Westlake Headmaster)

Mike Bonin

Paul Krekorian

Mitch O’Farrell

Jose Huizar

Officer Graciano

Officer Barragan

Andrew Westall

Maria Elena Durazo (Labor)

Heather Holt

David Tristan

Vince Bertoni

Fred Gaines (Lawyer)

Behzad “Ben” Forat (Developer)

David Ryu

Arnie Berghoff (Lobbyist)

Joel Botwinick (Public)

Alex Izbicki  (SCNC Bylaws Chair)

Richard Adams (SCNC Bylaws Vice Chair)

Rob Schiller (Treasurer)

Mark Fischer  (Public)

Denise Welvang (SCNC President)

Peter Cole  (Public)

Doug Haynes (Activist)

Dan Wright (Lawyer)

Nury Martinez


August 23, 2016 - Picture book with Mr. Moretz 

Authorized Personnel Only - LA City Council Picture Book 

Original speech. 



Andrew Westall is a Demographic & Research PO [Principal Owner not Piece Of... ]

8/1 $800. Darling

Westall, Andrew

Principal & Owner, Bear Demographics & Research

Los Angeles, CA 91601


7/25 $800. Darling

Bear Demographics & Research LLC (Andrew Westall)

Other: Non-Individual

Los Angeles, CA 91601


7/28 -$800. Darling

Bear Demographics & Research LLC (Andrew Westall)

Other: Non-Individual

Los Angeles, CA 91601


6/8  $800 O'Farrell

Bear Demographics & Research, LLC (Andrew Westall)


6/13 -$800  O'Farrell

Bear Demographics & Research, LLC (Andrew Westall)


6/8 Yaroslavksy  $800

Westall, Andrew

Principal & Owner, Bear Demographics & Research

North Hollywood, CA 91601-4838


2/24 O'Farrell $800

Bear Demographics & Research, LLC (Andrew Westall)

Other: Non-Individual

Los Angeles, CA 91601


12/30  Curren D. Price $800

Westall, Andrew

Principal & Owner, Bear Demographics & Research LLC

Toluca Lake, CA 91602-2560


Enduring Questions:   

Do you go hard on a person who is quite obviously unstable and frequently endangering your family, or do you exercise restraint and offer the benefit of the doubt trying to trust and absolve and keep things... nice.  

988, brau, not 911... we are all ONE.       

The whole city, is one agenda item.  All 28 departments... ONE.  Nice.   

But when the unstable defendant has demonstrated no insight and rejects all peaceful entreaties, clinging to delusional lies, one can always check the major lawsuit box and take this defendant for a spin down to the LA Superior Court.    

The idea here is that a Judicial officer, the Court, will order your annoying neighbor into being a nicer better person.  

It's a nice theory, but will it work?    

We'll see. 

Who is judging who:  

Studio City used to have open forums at our local library for political events.  It all started when Bob Hertzberg finagled a plum spot in front of our Neighborhood council, and nobody thought to invite his challenger.  

Politely, I personally went "berserk."  

My team and I fought the city red tape that makes almost anything undoable and for several years, we had a vibrant democracy in Studio City.  

Eventually, the whole thing was shut down by members of the Jewish Federation and Randall Fried, who had been pushed by someone to take over in Studio Ctiy. 

The Weinshaft initiative, as it is known, was a plan devised by Lisa Sarkin and Barry Johnson to use the power and weight of one of the most recognized government affairs offices in Studio City (Rita Villa) to depose the other well recognized government affairs offices in Studio City (Eric Preven).  

Lois Weinsaft got the call and Randall Fried got the heave-ho.  

After redistricting, half of Paul Krekorian cauldrons of wrongdoing became Nithya Raman's.  

Like, for instance, Prop K is not for Krekorian,   But Prop K is also not for Raman.  

How did the Bureau of Engineering manage to convince, Raman, if they even bothered, to seek more funding for a building that nobody in our community wants in the open space. 

Does she know they've cut down trees and put cool outdoor furniture in a landfill?  

Does she know they are planning a very tall -- way too tall building -- in our last bit of open space?  

All around the corner from the mayor's alma mater's plan to destroy another cultural historical landmark, namely the Weddington golf and tennis. 

The Related companies and Richard Weintraub consortium, to site over 500 residences, is not OK. 

In an upcoming article, the local priorities can be outlined for CM Raman. 

Last week:

One speaker burst into laughter about the ad hoc anti-corruption motion introduced by Raman last Friday...  

LA On The Record simply has to continue, so that there is an all-hands-on-deck approach and one of a kind, Host and Civics & Democracy Correspondent, Frank Stoltze doesn't have to do it all himself.  

And why was I not informed about his podcast?  There are already three seasons.  I may be losing it.  

The Times, I read is launching a new newsletter. 

It’s a guide to important stuff in the L.A. region both large and small. 

Whether it’s new important stuff or old important stuff, picks come to you by way of our expert critics and reporters immersed in all things L.A.  

The free weekly newsletter launches Nov. 16. 


(Eric Preven is a longtime community activist and is a contributor to CityWatch. The opinions expressed by Eric Preven are solely his and not the opinions of CityWatch)