Sun, Feb

High Stakes Voting



The Constitution cannot protect you if you don't protect the Constitution with your votes against anyone who violates it. - Thomas Sowell

The die has almost been cast. The direction of our country, like a gladiator contest, is about to be decided. Does the Constitution live or die? I know it's hard to conceive how high the stakes are because of the apathy and the created entropy from the vast array of mainstream media demons, stenographers, propagandists, liars, and grifters infected with the desire to keep their power, prestige, and access to easy money. All of them fervently working to keep us circling the drain, feeding us misinformation-disinformation and occulting the truth. Will their hefty efforts stifle common sense and human decency this November 5th and beyond?

As we wait for the election outcome on November 5th, or maybe November 8th, or far beyond, the emotions—the butterflies in your stomach and the acid reflux burning your throat, turning your digestive system into an ad for Imodium as we await our fate. Delivered and brought to you by many of the people who continually violate their oath of office to the Constitution, morality, and the people of this country.  While we, the citizenry, once again, beyond reason, hope for a fair election or an election so full of backlash that we, the people, overcome the rigging to wrest back the levers of power from those who have done a terrible job for the last four years.

The stakes have possibly never been higher since the Revolutionary War started on April 19th, 1775. The War began because King George III was an unaccountable, untouchable tyrant with sovereign immunity. He taxed the colonies into oblivion, stifled dissent, and practiced the lawfare of his day against the colonists. At least half the country feels similarly oppressed by the Harris-Biden regime in Washington.

Undoubtedly, that democratic dreadnought of lawfare, Mark Elias, and his minions of pettifoggers will seek to overturn the election outcome should it not suit their masters' desired results. They will undoubtedly try to use the courts to dispute the results until the sun runs out of hydrogen fuel. This will cast massive discontent with elections in general, perhaps even creating calls to disband voting altogether.

The supermajority in the Blue Cult States uses spurious voting practices that keep Democrats in positions of power, allowing them to dictate their skewed morality, never-ending tax increases, and anti-human environmentalism to the populace. Energy equals life. Cheap, abundant energy helps all citizens of Earth and gives us the tools to moderate climate change, man-made or not.

Do we want: families or transgenderism? Pornographic literature in schools?  Abundant energy or a failing grid with unaffordable gasoline prices? Endless wars or peace? Do we want access to real information, or would we prefer the government telling us what the truth is and what accurate information is, deciding for us and then manipulating how we should think, feel, and behave?

Do we want to make America healthy again? It is so well documented by now that it feels nauseating to remind people that the United States is the least healthy of all developed countries. Are 76 childhood vaccines too much? Is an autism rate of 1 in 44 children in the United States too high? In the fifties, it was 1 in 10,000. Which do you prefer? Shouldn't we find out what's causing this epidemic? And how much does the long-term care cost of millions of children turning into unproductive adults actually cost?

Why is abortion such a big issue in the election? According to Planned Parenthood, there are 12 different types of birth control available, which means there should be very few abortions taking place in this country, assuming that people act responsibly (I know, big if, but that’s how it should be). But there certainly wasn't "my body, my choice" during the pandemic, where you were excluded, ostracized, disparaged, and became a pariah, an outcast to society and, in many cases, unemployed and an anathema to your own family, for refusing to take an experimental, novel, untested, unproven drug whose side effects we are just starting to feel. Check out excess deaths in countries that report such data.

What about making America healthy again? Should pharmaceutical companies be held accountable and must prove the efficacy of their products? Shouldn't pharmaceutical companies be rewarded for curing diseases instead of maintaining diseases? Whether it's our food or drugs or our lifestyle, the amount of money being poured into the healthcare sector, both publicly and privately, is obscene and detrimental to a functioning economy that needs a healthy populace. Yet untold and unrecognized and under-discussed, but soon to be proven, are the detrimental effects of the experimental vaccine that was forced into almost everybody's arms for the COVID pandemic.

Do we want a constitutional republic, or a permanent supermajority brought about by illegal immigration that has no idea what it means to be an American? Do we want these aliens from another land who are here ostensibly for the free stuff and to change the demographics in certain key swing states to dictate the future of America?

Are we ready to give up on free speech? The people who are screaming about the 1st amendment and consider it problematic are the ones who have the most to lose. Thereby insisting that the 1st amendment goes too far. They fear you being able to obtain information to make their own decisions and take responsibility for your personhood and loved ones. But what if the government “truthtellers” and advisors are wrong? Now, a new, massive 113-page report from the US House of Representatives Energy & Commerce Committee has detailed the extraordinary malicious abuses of the Biden-Harris administration and how they communicated during COVID-19.  These not-so-wannabe demagogues, by definition, have the most to lose from dissenting alternative information; therefore, like a bully, they want to shut the mouths of people who oppose them or else.

But it's not only government officials who feel entitled to rule; it's the multi-billionaire class who also feels entitled to rule. These elitists believe that because of their wealth and connections, they feel compelled to rule over us. They also dictate government policy to perpetuate their wealth and untouchability for untold generations to come. When tyranny gains control, the first thing to be dispensed with is freedom of speech; keep that in mind.

What about the misplaced empathy of George Soros's district attorneys, who put victims last and criminals first? Will this will continue? Are we going to legalize fentanyl? Are we going to keep killing and addicting generations of young Americans for years to come because we're too lazy to control the border, arrest drug dealers, and rein in the cartels? Are we going to legalize and legitimize smash-and-grab robberies, which in the old days was simply called looting? Are we going to drive more businesses and families out of California? Are we going to allow a bunch of captured politicians to pretend this is the new normal?

We will be a country of continuing lawfare. There have always been miscarriages of justice; however, they were usually limited to innocent people being charged with crimes they were not responsible for and were summarily railroaded by overzealous district attorneys. This is a miscarriage of justice, but that pales in comparison to the overzealous federal attorneys prosecuting normal dissent and protest and bringing criminal charges intended to stifle opposition, bankrupt, break the spirit of, and imprison those who disagree with the cult of blue, and that same party has been dismantling all the civic values of the United States.

The United States has the people, the resources, and an extraordinary constitution. None of these matters if the rules are not enforced. How can certain officials get away with voter fraud? How can certain officials get away with spending billions and billions of dollars unaccountably with negligible results and not be prosecuted for corruption? Remember the Biden Administration's rural connectivity plan that paid $42 billion dollars and didn't connect anyone to the Internet? How can government agencies fail their missions, and the key executives keep their jobs? How can DEI (Didn't Earn It) hiring precede merit and hard work? If a country doesn't have a border and doesn't enforce its laws and protect its citizens, is it even a country? If a special class of people can get away with almost anything, why should America continue to exist? Vote wisely; so much is on the line.

(Eliot Cohen has been on the Neighborhood Council, serves on the Van Nuys Airport Citizens Advisory Council, is on the Board of Homeowners of Encino, and was the president of HOME for over seven years. Eliot retired after a 35-year career on Wall Street. Eliot is a critic of the stinking thinking of the bureaucrats and politicians that run the County, the State, and the City. Eliot and his wife divide their time between L.A. and Baja Norte, Mexico.) 


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