Mon, Mar

Effete, Cowardly and Defeatist


THE VIEW FROM HERE - These three words are a mild description of describe Joe Biden’s foreign policy. The word which is most harmful to Kamala Harris in her bid to become President is “Vice-President.”  Words matter, not only for their denotation but also for the connotation, which can be more important. 

As far as I have seen, no one has discussed the harm which is done to Kamala’s candidacy each time she is called “Vice-President.”  The GOP has a rather schizzy approach – calling her “Vice-President” whose connotation is powerless to do anything while blaming her for the current Administration’s disastrous policies.  As Trump is wont to say, “She’s been there 3 ½ years; why hasn’t she done something?” Duh! She was not President!  The main reason the GOP has been successful in blaming Kamala Harris for Biden’s effete, cowardly and defeatist foreign policy is not the GOP’s genius in branding, but in Harris’ failure to confront the issue. 

Time for Kamala to Step Up 

If Kamala Harris expects to receive her promotion to President of the United States and Leader of the Free World, she better publicly address the conflict between her being Vice-President and her being Presidential candidate.  As Vice-President her political role was to support the President’s policies. She takes the assignments he gives her including those which are guaranteed losers like going to Central America in order to change all the conditions which lead their peoples to come to America. 

When Kamala Harris agreed to replace Joe Biden on the ticket, she became candidate Harris, and thereby, she assumed new duties to the American people.  Although the world could see the puppet strings of Nancy Pelosi and Barrack Obama, Kamala has the duty to cut those ties and to tell American voters what her values are.  She says that they have not changed, but she still has not enunciated her values.  Her failure is most obvious in foreign policy. 

Biden’s Domestic Policy and Foreign Policy Are Dictated by Wokeism 

At the Democrat National Convention (DNC), Kamala Harris disavowed the polarizing and self-defeating domestic Wokeism.  She was clear that America had to stop playing the race card, and she was adamant that people cease referring to her as the first female or worse yet the first Black female to be President. See Race Card   Instead, she placed herself on the solid ground of America’s core value, i.e., judge each person on their merit and not based on their color or gender.  Donald Trump blew treating Kamala Harris as an individual out of the water at the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) where he said Kamala did not become Black until recently.  The entire Woke Dem establishment and the media took the bait and for weeks, they proclaimed Kamala’s Blackness.  Her proper response to Trump was, “Mr. Trump, my color does not matter. If you think color matters, you’re a racist.” Kamala failed that test. 

By the time of Trump’s NABJ appearance, however, Harris was under heavy attack by the Wokers for telling Blacks and others, “If something is wrong work to change it, don’t bitch.”  Interestingly, I have not seen anyone mention that one reason that she may have chosen Howard University, a traditionally Black school in Washington, DC, was to avoid Affirmative Action’s demeaning practice of low expectations for Blacks.  At Howard, being Black and Asian gave her no pass on achieving.  There were no gut courses to raise the GPA of Blacks. 

Kamala Can Neither Run or Hide from Biden’s anti-Israelism 

The Obama Doctrine is a Woke foreign policy which parallels domestic Wokeism such as the polarizing, racist DEI Ideology infecting American colleges and universities, teaching that America is fundamentally sinful nature due to White and Jewish racism. Wokeism divides the world into Oppressors (Whites and Jews) and Oppressed (minorities).  Obama never went to the US Senate for any confirmation of his change in US foreign policy which impacted hundreds of US treaties. Someone has to know the number of US treaties which require the US to defend another nation from attack, but I doubt anyone can find where “a nation’s right to self defense” excludes offensive action against it attackers. The Obama Doctrine constitutes a major amendment in all our international treaties without the consent of the other countries or of the US Senate. 

We have seen the effete, cowardly and defeatist Obama Doctrine play out over the years.  Most notable, was Obama’s allowing Putin to walk in and steal the Crimea from Ukraine.  Worst yet, was Obama’s agreeing that Iran could get nuclear weapons in the future and then he supported its economy so that it could fund its nuclear program.  Trump, however, shelved the Obama Doctrine.  This was not due so much to Trump’s having a coherent foreign policy, but due to Jared Kushner’s and David Friedman’s being architects of the new Middle East and fashioning the Abraham Accords. Trump’s main deterrence came from foreign recognition that he was mentally unstable, and in his irrational impulsivity, he just might bomb them to smithereens. 

When Biden assumed office, Iran had been neutralized. It was near bankruptcy and could not afford to fund its proxies Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthi’s and various Islamic factions. One unforeseen and lethal drawback of Iran’s near insolvency was the ascendance of the false Leftist belief that Hamas leaders were essentially gangsters and their genocide declarations were merely to extort more money out the West.  It seems that even Netanyahu fell for this false narrative. 

Meanwhile, Biden was shoveling billions of dollars to Iran and allowing it to sell its oil on the open market so that the mullahs could build up Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthi’s, etc.  The estimates vary that since Biden took office Iran was raked in between $150 B and $200 B.  In addition to its mass murders of Israelis, Hezbollah helped Syria’s Assad kill over 580,000 Syrians.  Iran is still allowed to export its oil, while it is terrorizing shipping in the Suez Canal.  Iran has been attacking the US military in Iraq but Biden has done nothing, except agree to withdraw US troops. 

For almost a year, Biden has been spewing blood libels against Israel, spreading the false impression that Israel is intentionally killing women and children in Gaza. Behind the scene, Biden has been encouraging Left Wing European governments to cease sending supplies to Israel.  Most egregious are Biden’s incessant demands for “Cease-fire,” which in BidenSpeak, means “Israel surrenders.”  While this article is being written, Biden is threatening Israel with a host of punitive actions unless it calls off any serious attack on Iran. 

While Biden’s words say the US will help defend Israel from attack, the facts suggest otherwise. Iran launched 1,801 missiles at Israel. According to the Pentagon, the US fired 12 interceptors; 12/1,801 is 0.6% of 1%.  Twelve interceptors is statistically insignificant from firing zero interceptors. 

Where Does Candidate Harris Stand? 

Harris has to resolve her conflict of interest between her being Biden’s Vice-President and her being presidential candidate Harris.  She talks about moving into The Future, but what future is that?  Where America has become a vassal state to Russia, China, and Iran? Where all the Jews in Israel will have been exterminated? Her running mate, Tim Walz, said that the Anti-Israel protestors shouting “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” were motivated by “all the right reasons.”  Where the purge of Jewish faculty and students at American universities continues?  Where America denies that each person has individual inalienable rights in favor Wokeism’s judging people by their skin color? 

The election will be determined by the Center voters and they have the right to know whether Candidate Kamala Harris has the mettle to be President or whether she is the lap dog of the Woke left?

(Richard Lee Abrams has been an attorney, a Realtor and community relations consultant as well as a CityWatch contributor.  You may email him at [email protected]

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