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Kamala Harris-Goldman Sachs’ Golden Girl?


MARK, MY WORDS - Wall street has spent billions buying single family homes all across the country pricing out the lower and middle classes. The NeoCon’s latest candidate Kamala Harris proudly stated on the debate stage how Goldman Sachs “loves” her plan. Doesn’t that and Dick Cheney’s endorsement of her tell you everything you need to know? 

Goldman Sachs states very clearly that their client’s needs are their top priority. I don’t know about you, but I am not a client of theirs and the fact that Harris proudly announced their love affair to the struggling working-class viewers, only showcases her out of touch narcissism.

Pointing out publicly that Trump’s sarcasm was lost on her when he jokingly said he and Kim Jong Un “fell in love”, loses her the right to reference again. 

Trump has many personality flaws, but we are not marrying him. He wears his flaws on the outside for all to see; some see that as a good thing, some don’t.

Regardless, he managed to get through a four-year term without destroying Democracy or starting a war. Harris being better at hiding her flaws and policy positions, is not a reason to assume she is a better choice for President. On the contrary, I would rather be lied to than perpetually gaslit by a whole Party. 

I didn’t vote for Trump because of those flaws, but after four years of his presidency, the world is still here which means policy ideas can be bigger than the candidate and certainly have more impact on our daily lives and futures. Biden Harris administration policies include unfettered illegal immigration, abandoning American hostages in Gaza, forcing the fossil fuel transition prematurely, allowing attacks on US soldiers by Iran and taking away the rights of parents in schools through Title 9. 

Up to this point, Harris, has been unwilling or unable to articulate a single policy of her own. Is the promise of “joy” and the approval of Wall street supposed to be enough from a VP who willingly played along while Democrats hid Biden’s now obvious cognitive decline? Everyone in her administration and on captured legacy media lied to the public for over a year in the face of undeniable evidence. Her lack of new policy ideas can only mean that she intends on continuing Biden’s, including submitting to the temper-tantrums of the far left WOKE. 

The presidential race is not American Idol. It is arguably the most important and dangerous seat in world politics and our obsession with who “won” a single debate during a two hour performance has the potential to get all of us killed by drowning in our own stupidity. Clearly, only one candidate has a proven record with the other unwilling to share theirs. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. 

The issue of the woman who allegedly killed a cat with the intention of eating it, is not everything, but it is not nothing either. Regardless, must every part of an immigrant’s culture be accepted and legislated as a prerequisite to joining ours? Eating a dog or cat is one thing, (which is a part of some country’s culture) but eating my dog or cat is not something I wish to be a part of my culture. Does that make me a racist? Perhaps in the mind of a perpetually angry justice warrior. Perhaps I am a culturalist since I don’t rubber stamp all cultural practices that run counter to my own. I’m okay with that. 

I have done a bit of traveling in my career and I can’t think of a country other than ours where being proud of one’s culture is considered racist. Visit France, bring your best “Ugly American” and see what happens. You will be shamed and shunned to various degrees, and rightly so. They are not being racist, but simply being protective of their own culture in their own country. 

Trump’s point, though clumsily and irresponsibly expressed, was that most Americans are against unfettered illegal immigration without vetting the immigrant or acclimating them to our laws, cultures and community expectations. Harris, refusing to acknowledge even a possibility that this could happen, alienates the concerns of half the country. Instead, she chooses to brag about her Cheney endorsements and go about filling Goldman’s sacks full of your children’s future homes. 

I don’t think it is unreasonable for an American to assume that they are by default, a first consideration of their own government. Democrats like Harris are okay with taking our tax and welfare dollars and giving them to illegal immigrants while they celebrate Goldman Sachs banking 3.4 billion dollars to buy up real estate. 

In fiscal year 2022, the federal government spent $1.19 trillion on more than 80 different welfare programs. That represents almost 20% of total federal spending and a quarter of tax revenues in 2022 or $9,000 spent per American household. The Biden Budget proposes more than $2.6 trillion in new entitlement program spending, 3% of total spending and 4% of revenues, adding to the already unsustainable debt trajectory and further fueling inflation. Biden’s massive entitlement expansion will add trillions to CBO’s current baseline, which projects $12.7 trillion in spending on these programs over the FY 2024-2033 budget window. 

Accuracy and truth should matter in a debate, but hyperbole is not the same as lying. Trump inflates numbers, (I hate that) but that doesn’t necessarily constitute a lie or negate what he is often clumsily trying to say. Eight million or 20 million illegal aliens allowed to walk into our country should both be unacceptable numbers no matter why one thinks so. But when he exaggerates data, he gives Harris an opportunity to avoid addressing the issue by instead pointing out Trump’s ridiculous exaggerations for all to see. 

If Trump is a threat to Democracy, then surely Harris and her cohorts are a threat to reality. The Democrats have become the party of re-writing the meaning of language, picking only the cherries of science that sweeten their mysterious agendas and weaponizing the justice system. At this point, the chosen candidate of Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr may fall significantly short of Lincoln, but at least he isn’t endorsed by Dick Cheney. 

Is Harris even a legal candidate? Historically, a VP is chosen by a President as second in line in case of a tragedy. At the end of that term however, through an open primary process, the next Presidential candidate would be chosen, not ordained by billionaires. If Harris wins, don’t be surprised if her Presidency will be bogged down by endless challenges of her authenticity. 

What is the point of a political debate? It should be the presentation of opposing ideas in a truthful and concise way to convince people that one idea is better for them than the other. The vessel in which these ideas are presented should matter much less than the ideas themselves. In the face of a convoluted democrat platform that seems bent on tearing down our existing system and replacing it with WOKE Communism; Trump, with all his flaws, may be a safer option. 

Do we need another debate? I’m not so sure we do. As the renowned sociologist and anthropological philosopher Trey Parker so brilliantly pointed out, every political debate is a choice between a “turd and a giant douche.” The best we can do, is try and pick the one who will do the least damage. 

Here is a link to Goldman Sachs’ business overview. I challenge my readers who make less than a million dollars a year to find a single sentence that is relevant to your life.

(Mark Dutton is a lifelong musician, music producer, and writer. He was arguing politics with his parents since he was a pre-teen. Majored in psychology and left college in his 3rd year on a 30 year magic bus trip around the world playing and writing music with some of the best in the biz. Mark is a contributor to CityWatchLA.com.)

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