Sun, Feb

Dear America, You have a Kamikaze President


CERDAFIED-It has become abundantly clear that this president, more than any other president, has headed our country into an accelerated dive towards one world order. But it is much worse than that, and yes … it can be worse than that. Your kamikaze president is getting very little resistance or restraint from the justice department or the congress. That constitutional balance you were promised has evaporated into thin air. 

Other presidents were happy to inch toward it, allowing you, the American citizens, to sit back and question the logic, legality or morality of their decision making.  And sit back we did! 

Revelation after revelation could not move us from our preponderance of the evidence.  The USA PATRIOT Act was signed into law on October 26, 2001, by President George W. Bush,  but it was an Act of Congress that usurped our constitutional rights by authorizing indefinite detentions and spying on its citizens. 

It was challenged in court by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in July 2003, who stood against Section 215 searches, because it violated our Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable searches and seizures as well as First Amendment freedoms of speech and association. 

Gallup polls revealed that a majority (55%) of American citizens believed that the Bush Administration was right to restrict people's civil liberties in order to fight terrorism. Sure, that small sampling of society could reflect the intended results of 9/11, a society succumbing to the fear mongering by our government and for whom false flags yielded much fruit, control over the masses. 

Interesting, however, that the Patriot Act defines "domestic terrorism" as activities within the United States that involve acts dangerous to human life and is intended;

(1) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

(2) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

(3) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping. 

The biggest act of “domestic terrorism” though was perpetrated by the federal government and Obama particularly, when they opened our borders;

(1)  allowing the drug cartel in, and

(2)  releasing illegal alien criminals from jail and not deporting them, to continue their crime spree in America unabated, and

(3)  endangering border communities, who already faced kidnappings for ransom by the cartel, and who were exposed to diseases and illnesses carried by the illegal aliens, and

(4) endangering our border patrols by disarming them, and

(5) risked infiltration of enemy combatants from Muslim nations who have terror cells in America. 

At least 149 cities, towns and counties have passed resolutions protesting provisions of the Patriot Act. This brings up a rather new phenomenon; cities and states are now acting more and more to UNDO the effects of federal laws. But it has becoming increasingly difficult to stay ahead of the unconstitutional and unpatriotic mandates of our federal government. It has gone rogue, and the puppet masters are calling all the shots. 

Obama and congress, hand in hand, gave the Patriot Act a four-year extension in 2011. A full decade has passed, and Americans has allowed this indefensible act to remain. This is your shame, as well. 

So I should not be surprised that Obama, congress and you, America, stood by while the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) got renewed in 2014. Nor should I be surprised that the Guantanamo Bay prison camp remained open and fulfilled its mission to torture prisoners in the name of national security, while our borders remained open. Effectively destroying any supposed benefit. 

After all, the goal is not about national security, the goal is to control all the various militant terror groups being funded by our federal government under the darkness of night and protection of our federal agencies.  Intimidation must assert some level of influence over a portion of society who believes in honor deaths by suicide bombing, jihad, and a caliphate. Torture is that mechanism. Or at least the government believes it is. 

Between the Patriot Act and the NDAA, two wings have been removed by our kamikaze president. Now he flies a missile.  But his payload is equally important. The missile must be armed with explosives.  The robust American economy is the target. So Obama gave us the Affordable Care Act, because he loves irony. He doubled down with his Amnesty plan; killing jobs, businesses, and greatly reducing future homeownership subsequently. 

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At this point, more Americans began to wake up. So Obama had to add more fuel to his mission. He began firing our military brass and replacing them with foreigners. He began conducting unconstitutional military actions in our backyards with the help of the Un and foreign countries. We did nothing. 

Obama has done everything he can to try and disarm Americans, and make getting ammo difficult.  He has disarmed our returning veterans, and abandoned the cause of caring for our military men. He added insult to injury by trading Bowe Bergdhal, a deserter, for five Taliban detainees. To many, this was an act of treason. 

At a time where bankers, scientists, and journalists are being murdered, and patriots are arming themselves faster than ever before, somewhere in the middle is the blissfully indifferent American citizen, going about their day, without a care in the world.  They are above entertaining “conspiracies” and feel certain that life will continue as it always has. 

Then there are so many who do not have a dog in this fight. They are the foreigners, who will look for another host to suckle from when this host dies. But there will not be too many free nations left, and not many willing to take these parasitic dissidents in. 

Lastly, there’s you.  You’ve been waiting for someone to do something, anything, to change our fate. The minute they call for action you will come. You read day in and out, you know what is coming, and you keep warning others, or planning for your survival.  But the call has been ignored, and our economic annihilation is at hand.  You are just as surprised as I am that we find ourselves held captive by this Kamikaze president, and a treasonous congress and we can’t imagine that 2016 will change our stars. 

The Trans-Atlantic Union is pressing on, and just as the EU failed to be what they it promised to be, the Trans-Atlantic Union will fail to be anything more than a utopian pipe dream, meant to entrap you, and leave you without freedom or liberty. Whoever is in the oval office in 2016, they will be under pressure to deliver on the pipe dream.  By any means necessary, the puppet masters will get what they seek.  A president will not sit in their way. It will take a nation. 

The election of 2016 should not stop you from taking back America today. Today is your battle ground, not tomorrow.  We are past the time that petitions, elections, and lawsuits will bring America back from the brink.  It’s time to recognize that, and hold our treasonous Kamikaze president and his cohorts accountable:  Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, John McCain, Harry Reid, Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, and many more. 

Make Washington DC your destination this summer, and let’s make it a summer of change. Let the peaceful revolution start with you. Invite your friends and family to join. Let’s show this Kamikaze president who we really are.

 (Lisa Cerda is Editor and columnist of American Outrage, and a contributor to CityWatch since 2008. She became a land use activist, fighting an avalanche of approved projects that could not meet local and state zoning laws and successfully won each case. She is VP of Community Rights Foundation of LA.)





Vol 13 Issue 31

Pub: Apr 14, 2015

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