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Forced Vaccinations or Health Liberty? Californian’s Need to Wake Up


CERDAFIED - Who do you trust? From the moment your infant or grandchild enters the world they are being bombarded with vaccinations and their fragile immune systems are under attack by the pharmaceutical oligarchy.

In front of you stands a well established system of health care advocates that have your child’s best interest at heart, right? Why should you question the pediatrician, tied to the pharmaceutical companies, tied to greed, tied to the lobbyist, tied to the Food and Drug Administration, tied to the whims of political agendas?

If you’re not convinced that your doctor has your best interest at heart, then your part of a growing sector of well informed and not easily duped health conscious advocates. Nothing is more important than your own personal freedom to protect your health and your families.

Marcia Angell M.D. was a former editor in chief of the The New England Journal of Medicine. She is currently a senior lecturer in social medicine at Harvard Medical School. Her latest book is The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It.

She states, “Over the past two decades the pharmaceutical industry has moved very far from its original high purpose of discovering and producing useful new drugs. Now primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit, this industry uses its wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way, including the US Congress, the FDA, academic medical centers, and the medical profession itself.”

During the swine flu pandemic in 1976,  a national emergency was declared.  Only one person died of the flu. On average, 36,000 people die of the regular flu each year in the USA, according to the CDC.

As a direct result of the massive government vaccination program, hundreds died and thousands were paralyzed that year. Healthy individuals died by trying to protect themselves from the flu.


Vermont just won a substantial battle and successfully defended their informed consent rights. They achieved this win even after a Vermont Bill (S199) was approved with a nearly unanimous 25-4 vote.

Introduced on Jan. 3, 2012 by Kevin Mullin (R-Rutland), at the request of Harry Chen, M.D., Vermont's Health Commissioner and prior Vermont state representative, this bill eliminated the philosophical exemption to vaccinations.

Vermont only had on file 360 school children with philosophical exemptions for the 2010-2011 school year. Still, big pharma came bullying these objectors and trying to close the loop hole that gives them personal freedom over their health care.

With national publicity, heated debates, and a growing pubic awareness concerning the real risks, Vermont found itself not only the winner in protecting conformed consent to medical risk taking, but it gave birth to “health liberty”.  

Vermont parents are required to sign a statement that they agree that,” taking the exemption endangers their child and society”. I find it outrageous that the government does not hold big pharma liable for its mandated products but attempts to coerce parents and make them liable for endangering their child and society by refusing them. Certainly the most culpable in this circumstance is the government who prays on the fears and trusts of its citizenry in order to fill the pockets of its corporate sponsors.

Parents say that it has become difficult to find a pediatrician willing to write a medical exemption when no vaccine reaction symptom or medical condition qualifies as an “official reason” to exempt a child medically.

Freedom of vaccine choice should not be limited to set thresholds or percentages. The Vermont Bill attempted to set a 10% cap on allowable vaccination exemptions, but the people of Vermont wouldn’t accept that. They knew that true freedom can not be bound or tied to some other disposable or refutable factor. Freedom is FREEDOM.


Assemblyman Richard Pan, M.D. has introduced a bill, which was passed by the Assembly, to impose restrictions on the personal belief exemption to vaccination. California bill (AB2109) is moving through the Senate under the radar, hoping that Californians are not as savvy as the people of Vermont.

The California bill (AB2109) will force parents to pay a medical doctor or other designated medical practitioner to file a personal belief exemption, in order for children to attend school.

Californians needs to wake up to the realistic threat posed by aggressive marketing of liability-free vaccine products from multi-national corporations. Vaccinations should be voluntary and require no further bureaucratic response than that of a “statement of refusal” by the person or parent. No documents from the parents should be required. Vaccines should be taken voluntarily in all circumstances.

No doubt, California bill (AB2109) will find many special interest groups to support this bill, most will have financial gain and some may see your rejection of a universal immunization practice as foolish but when they have done nothing to stop the use of fluoride and mercury, known toxins, we can not afford to trust their other self serving recommendations.

Health Liberty

Missing from our daily lives, are the principles of health liberty. We can not rely solely on existing product safety oversight, or believe that relevant facts have been considered by professionals, untainted by greed and corruption.

Parents are becoming enlightened and are fighting back against wealthy Pharma-funded lobbyists and influential state public health employees. Parents should not surrender their right to protect their family. Defend your “HEALTH LIBERTY”.

Other Sources

1)    Vaccines did not save us, two centuries of official statistics click here.
2)    Read Fluoride risks here.
3)    The Dangers of Fluoride & Water Fluoridation here.
4)   Vermont Parents Defend Vaccine Exemption click here.
5)    Vermont Coalition for Vaccine Choice here.
6)    NVIC Advocacy Portal here.
7)    Drugmakers, Doctors Rake in Billions Battling H1N1 Flu Click Here

(Lisa Cerda is a contributor to CityWatch, a community activist, Chair of Tarzana Residents Against Poorly Planned Development, and former Tarzana Neighborhood Council board member.)

Tags: Lisa Cerda, vaccines, Vermont, California bill (AB2109), pharmaceutical companies, health liberty, vaccination, virus, medical policy, Assemblyman Richard Pan, M.D.

Vol 10 Issue 54
Pub: July 6, 2012

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