Sun, Feb

Summer Grub and an Outdoor Flick … from FREE to Almost FREE


Summer is the time to catch a flick outdoors and it seems like Hollywood Forever isn’t the only game in town anymore. No matter where you live in this vast and diverse city, you can take in a free movie outdoors. Whether it’s on a picnic blanket, at a trendy restaurant, off a food truck or at a shopping mall, the show usually begins at sundown.

Here’s a lineup of what’s available:

Old West Film Festival in Live Oak Park, in Temple City has got family-friendly old westerns screening for free. Picnics welcome. Concessions for Sale.

● Also free, the Atwater Movie  Nights Under the Stars series over at the Los Feliz Municipal Golf Course in Atwater Village. Bring your own food!

● For those who don’t want to worry about bringing food or any of that other stuff, there’s Walk-In Movies at Alcove’s Big Bar in the Los Feliz area with specials on happy hour drinks and grub during their screenings.

Cinespea, formerly known as the Hollywood Forever, screenings is still around. Tickets and parking for this are each $10, making it a little pricier than the free municipal offerings.

Street Food Cinema at Exposition Park also costs $10 a piece for tickets and parking; BUT, their ticket includes live band entertainment as well as a movie

Eat See Hear offers the same food truck/live band/movie lineup as Street Food Cinema EXCEPT this is a traveling show. They present at venues from Long Beach to Northridge. Rules on parking, pets, alcohol and outside food differ with each venue. Be sure and check their website or follow them on Twitter/Facebook for individual details.

● The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences offers Oscars Outdoors at the Academy’s new open air theater for $5 general admission and $3 for Academy members. Picnic baskets, beer and wine are permitted. No pets. Parking is FREEEEEE!

● Long Beach is hip to the trend. Alfredo’s Beach Club presents Moonlight Movies on the Beach - free with free parking; and the City of Long Beach offers Movies in the Park at various parks across the city.

● In Woodland Hills, the Valley Cultural Center is offering Movies on the Green  …  along with Concerts on the Green … at Warner Park.

● At the Westfield Century City Mall you can dine on the terrace, then stay for the free for   Movies on the Terrace throughout the summer, every Wednesday at sunset. I thought this might be expensive and shi shi but I checked it out. Terrace dining includes Baja Fresh, California Crisp and My Big Fat Pita. Very affordable.

(Jennifer Caldwell is a an actress and an active member of SAG-AFTRA, serving on several committees. She is a published author of short stories and news articles and is a featured contributor to CityWatch. Her column at www.RecessionCafe.wordpress.com is dishing up good deals, recipes and food for thought. Jennifer can be reached at [email protected].) –cw

Tags: Jennifer Caldwell, Deals and Discounts, outdoor movies, outdoor flicks

Vol 10 Issue 54
Pub: July 6, 2012

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