CITYWATCH TODAY--Never shy about using any crass opportunity for a stunningly tone-deaf photo-op, Nepotism Barbie just magically transformed into Pandemic Barbie to suggest that families like her "working" from home could play "living room camp out!" Posting a shimmery, billowing photo of herself with her kids that was clearly arranged by servants, publicists and photographers, the $375-million heiress and White House "adviser" tweeted, "Throw a bedsheet over some taped together brooms.”
“Plan a menu & ‘pack’ sandwiches, salads (S’mores optional!)," even though what Princess Ivanka was sitting under in her Taj-Mahal-sized living room was obviously not bedsheets and brooms and it turned out the photo was recycled from a 2014 snowstorm, but so many privilege-soaked photo-ops, so little time or integrity.
She also urged families - who likely have plenty of time now that they're laid off and struggling to come up with dinner never mind their mortgage and get child care and keep up with their kids' remote schooling and find toilet paper and take care of their elderly immune-compromised parents - to share more fun ideas for the apocalypse on the hashtag #TogetherApart, if they can still afford wi-fi after her daddy's taxpayer-funded golf trips.
It did not go well. Suitably enraged people agreed the photo was "adorable" but argued it would be "even more fun with chain-link fences and a concrete floor and flimsy foil blankets, and who needs s'mores when you get a cup of water every single day?" "You stupid tone-deaf woman," wrote one un-fan. From another, "Wife of a slumlord, daughter of a dictator. Cool tent though." Some posted photos of homeless tent cities: "Wow, tents sound like fun. Are we doing it right?" Many others posted grim photos of children in detention: "Indoor camping! How fun! Where are their mommies?" And many referenced the political moment: "Here's a fun idea for the whole family. Walk down the hall and tell Daddy to get off his butt and get COVID 19 tests out to the country. The delay is literally killing us. And smores, yum."
The concise consensus: "Oh look. So cute. Go fuck yourself."
Last week, coincidentally, the anti-Trump Lincoln Project featured Ivanka in the first of their new "Grifters" series of videos. The second one features Trump again proving himself, with his lying and racist and nobody's fault coronavirus debacle, "dangerously unfit for office." In fact, his spawn didn't fall far from the fetid tree. May they all find justice. (Attached cells, optional!)
(CityWatch guest columnist Abby Zimet writes for … where this perspective was first posted.)