CITYWATCH TODAY--Sigh. So there was a Super Bowl. The Kansas City Chiefs beat the San Francisco 49ers. With his usual geographic and linguistic acumen, our Dear Leader tweeted his congrats to the Chiefs from a galaxy far, far away: "You represented the Great State of Kansas and, in fact, the entire USA, so very well. Our country is PROUD OF YOU!"
Alas, this is more than we can say about him: Kansas City is in Missouri. He (or one of his incrementally less numb lackeys) deleted it, but not before #KansasCityKansas started trending.
Because he is what one savvy social media analyst called "a stonecold fucking moron," he evidently hasn't yet learned the Internet is forever.
Let us pray he won't be. Please.
(CityWatch guest columnist, Abby Zimet, writes for … where this piece was first posted.)