Sat, Feb

Trump to be Pardoned … on Long Island



CITYWATCH TODAY--An official pardoning ceremony will take place this week on Long Island of a red-orange headed turkey named “ Trump.” 

The historic Milleridge Inn, originally built in 1692, has held a turkey pardon each Thanksgiving holiday for the past decade. This year, more than 500 turkeys will be served over the holiday. 

“Trump The Turkey”, born several years ago on June 14, the same date as the 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, will be spared this Thanksgiving holiday to spend the rest of his days on a turkey farm in Virginia, several miles from the White House. 

“Trump will be spared from getting his head chopped off and from any impeachment process as he is loved by everyone,” stated Butch Yamali, owner of the Milleridge Inn.



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