Sun, Feb

Everybody Hates You


CITYWATCH TODAY--For solace at the start of yet another week of madness, here's some of the latest to befall our beleaguered, wannabe Mob-Boss-In-Chief. A federal judge in Oregon became the latest of several judges to block a despised "public charge" rule change barring immigrants who can't afford health care, like many of the rest of us. 

One peeved judge blasted the move, which was to go into effect this weekend and could have cut two-thirds of green-card-based immigrants, as a new "policy of exclusion in search of a justification," calling it "repugnant to the American dream." Trump's other efforts to keep out brown people aren't doing great either, with his infamous wall suffering several indignities and critics even slamming his staff's racist Halloween party trick of having kids "build" a paper wall as "an offensive metaphor." 

At a recent climbing contest featuring a replica of his "virtually impenetrable" 18-foot steel border wall, an eight-year-old girl climbed it in a minute and a young man did it in 30 seconds while juggling objects in his other hand - this, despite what climbers called Trump's "preposterous" claim he'd gathered 20 "world-class mountain climbers" who couldn't climb it, something any idiot knows you don't tell climbers. 

Their point, explained one, is opposing "blowing a lot of money on some silly nonsense of putting up something that he thinks can't be climbed. Because it can. And will be." It will also be easily, repeatedly cut through by Mexican drug smugglers, say multiple border agents and officials, using a popular cordless reciprocating saw available at any hardware store for about 100 bucks. (They're also - duh - building ladders). On Saturday, Trump dismissed those reports with his usual acumen: "You know cutting - cutting is one thing...One of the reasons we did it the way we did it, it's very easily fixed. You put the chunk back in.” 

That night, he also took the bold, rare move of going out in public, specifically to an event other than his  Nazi rallies, likely because his team of swamp creatures figured he needed some public adoration after his fabulously humiliating appearance at the 5th game of the World Series, where he was loudly booed and treated to chants of "Lock Him Up!" Hilariously, a rowdy public repeated the performance during the 7th game, where Trump was nowhere in sight but he'd ill-advisedly bought a campaign ad - also drowned in boos. Can you hear the people sing? 

For his latest public triumph, he made a seemingly safe choice: a mixed martial arts Ultimate Fighting Championship at New York's Madison Square Gardens. Trump has a long relationship with UFC, its head is a big fan-boy, and its fans tend to be white good ole boys who form his MAGA base. So imagine the joyful surprise when Trump, arriving with several GOP bigwigs, Secret Service and his evil boy-spawn, was again met with thunderous boos, this time mixed with cheers. 

On social media, people gleefully posted video of the scene from different angles - there were also middle fingers, "Lock Him Up" chants and protests outside - calling the response "the sound of patriotism," comparing Trump being slammed at a UFC match to Bernie getting booed at a vegan bakery in Brooklyn, and suggesting the now-ubiquitous sound of booing should be his new ring tone. 

Poor, dim, loyal Eric only heard the "USA" chants - when the American fighter beat the Bulgarian - and called it all "a joke. I can't wait until we win again in 2020 to further embarras (sic) your profession." #FakeNews” On Sunday, Trump happily tweeted that with all the MAGA energy there "it was a little bit like walking into a Trump Rally"; others noted "it was a whole lot like living in a country that hates you." Ever-presidential, he also re-tweeted a fighter's deeply disturbing tribute that, “No matter what your views on Trump as a president, the guy’s a bad motherfucker.” 

Yes, well. We the motherfucking people can't wait till he's gone.

(CityWatch guest columnist, Abby Zimet, writes for Common Dreams … where this piece was first posted.)
