Thu, Jan

Game On


CITYWATCH TODAY--So it begins. Finally, the Dems found a fragment of a spine. Pelosi's declaration of the whimsical, better-late-than-never notion that "nobody is above the law" came on a day chock full of weirdness. 

There was Trump's sweaty, babbling, shouting pronouncement to reporters that his famous phone call to Ukraine's president was "absolutely a 10, it was perfect."  (Photo above: The bar at Trump Tower today. Press pool photo.) 

There was his bonkers meeting with Poland's president as he ranted that Biden should get the electric chair, shouted at assembled reporters they are "crooked as hell," and whiplash-like concluded with, "Thank you all very much, I hope you enjoyed it." 

There was his somnambulant yet rabid dog-whistle speech to the U.N. on what some wiseacres called Dictator Day. And there was the baffling presence, among actual world leaders, of his vapid, vulgar, grifter offspring, including a handbag-designing "Netherworld Barbie" who forgot her bra but nonetheless burbled on with some bullshit palaver about meeting with women to "actualize our mission," because, "Look Daddy, I'm governmenting!" 

Once Pelosi did her mic drop, Mr. Formerly Unimpeachable, evidently losing it a wee bit, reportedly called Pelosi and asked if they could "work something out" on this whole What-Treason-With-Ukraine? thing, because art of the deal, to which Pelosi responded with a suggestion he and his co-conspirators start obeying the law, for once. Then the Senate surprisingly, unanimously agreed to a Schumer resolution calling for the Ukraine whistleblower complaint to be turned over to intelligence committees; Trump earlier agreed to release the phone call transcript, but given his sordid history with Sharpies, many remained skeptical. 

Finally, Trump slunk off to his gold-plated cave in Trump Tower to sulk, freak, eat hamburgers and rage tweet "PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT!" and "A total Witch Hunt Scam by the Democrats!" A long, potentially good day. Per Bette Davis: Buckle your seat belts - it's going to be a bumpy ride. 

Meanwhile, it may help to remember a lesson from Nixon's likewise ignominious fall. It doesn't matter how many Senators support impeachment at the start of the road; it matters how many voters support it at the end. 

(CityWatch guest columnist, Abby Zimet, writes for Common Dreams, where this perspective was first posted.)


