GUEST WORDS--Tired of the Smack Talk?
I’m angry, our system is supposed to work for us, but it doesn’t! I’m tired of being told that elected officials are supposed to represent their constituents and watching their persistent inaction and failure. One of the interesting features of English language is the labels that are provided for groups of animals; perhaps the pride of lions or murder of crows are familiar to you. Few know that a group of jellyfish are called a smack. Sadly, so many American politicians are spineless, my comparison is the best I can do to capture my moral outrage at their immoral inaction.
Donald Trump’s 10,000th lie or misstatement as President or candidate is now official and his base is still with him. He is the Pied Piper of all variety of cowards and manifestly willfully ignorant blind-to-truth followers.
The ugly truth, since his base is quite large, is that we did this to ourselves. Too lazy to factcheck, too sloppy to discern truth, and too arrogant to find ways to work together, the U.S. was ripe for the invasion of the Russian troll army, and supremacist chatrooms celebrate discussions of civil wars and other Trump-approved disgusting plots.
But it gets worse. Every year I’m reminded of these ugly failures. Those who survived the Columbine shooting 20 years ago apologized to those who survived the Parkland shooting, they were sorry that they were unable to prevent the massacre. So much violence, the last time the U.S. went a week without a mass-shooting was Jan. 5, 2014, we’re the only nation on Earth with the problem, and the only place that insists it is unavoidable.
When my brother died on April 25th, 2013, there had been 57 separate votes to repeal Obamacare and zero votes to improve it. Deep down I wonder if quality health care, like most developed nations have, would have changed the outcome; how many lives have been cut short by inferior health care? Maybe his treatment pathways could not be improved upon, but 33 was just too young. Sad fact—six years later—still nothing has been done to improve healthcare coverage for millions who need it—some needing basic coverage and some requiring but denied specialty help. And there have been more unsuccessful votes to repeal, but nothing to improve. The smack, as a whole, is doing nothing to prevent the efforts to sabotage and undermine American survival and quality of life.
Our President is unrelentingly dishonest and where is the challenge to him amongst federal elected officials, apart from a handful of newly elected young activist representatives and a few determined House committee chairs?
The President has sworn he “will to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Add that to the 10,000. Moral representatives should have impeached this liar-in-chief 8,000 falsehoods ago. The talk of the day—high crimes and misdemeanors—focuses on the documented attack on U.S. democracy; all of our bodies of intelligence services have said Russia attacked us, from day one, but instead of honoring his oath Trump has done nothing but lie about it. The abdication of his oath of office has inspired little response. Lip service—smack talk—has delivered nothing—it’s time for backbone and heart.
(Wim Laven, Ph.D is an instructor of Political Science and International Relations at Kennesaw State University. Provided to CityWatch by Peace Voice.)