Sun, Feb

Finally, Time to Vote


CITYWATCH TODAY—I’m betting that if you were told on Tuesday that you wouldn’t be allowed to vote you’d be pissed. Or, if your polling place were moved 20 miles out of town, as it was in Dodge, Kansas, you’d be upset. The point is, we take the right to vote for granted. 

The right to vote is a Democracy basic. Right up there with freedom of speech and religious rights. There is nothing on your Tuesday schedule more important than keeping Democracy alive. VOTE!


If you don’t think Tuesday’s vote is important, I would ask you to consider the last two years. Doesn’t matter where you stand. Just reminder, the result of this mid-term will have at least as much impact on your life. 

So, the reason that this edition of CityWatch is pretty much all election all the time … is because your vote is important. We’re asking that you give it some thought and show up. Vote!


(Ken Draper is the editor of CityWatch.)
