Sun, May

CityWatch Today: Sheeple Who Love Sheeple


HIS LYIN’ EYES--Oh man. Another hallucinatory hiccup in the tawdry downfall of the Republic.The narcissistic dumpster went to Phoenix, Arizona because he hasn't had anyone cheering for him for a while.  

The crowds of protesters outside were huge, with inflatables -KKK Trump, Joe Arpaio in prison garb, the Golden-Haired Chicken! - on display. The crowds of sheep-like … sheeple … supporters inside were thin. 

Still, they valiantly cheered as he incoherently threatened to shut down the government if Congress won't build his stupid wall and defended his Charlottesville remarks - “the words were perfect” - by leaving out all the bad parts - "many sides," "both sides" - and raving that hate groups are actually the fault of totally dishonest media who are "trying to take away the history and our heritage ... I really think they don’t like our country." Sigh. (Photo left: Actual crowd size inside where Trump was speaking.) 

Some supporters circulated an image of a massive crowd welcoming him in the streets, except it turned out the photo was from a Cleveland Cavaliers parade in 2016. What can we say?  

We're doomed, unless we keep asking, Wait? What? Why is the deranged so-called leader of a months-old, catastrophically failing presidency holding friggin' campaign rallies? 

Don't forget it's insane.

(Abby Zimet offers her insight at the popular Common Dreams … where this perspective was first posted.)
