Tue, Feb

Editor’s Memo: Can You Spare a Dime?


CITYWATCH TODAY—City Hall has to be more than a little embarrassed. Explaining away a $245 million budget deficit isn’t the ideal campaign speech. The downtown politicos who find themselves on the March Primary ballot are facing just this sort of political pickle with Monday’s announcement that the budget is broken big time. Jack Humphreville explains … in Today’s CityWatch.


Meanwhile, Joel Kotkin examines California’s unique attitude and political personality. How did it become California against the other 49 Trump-adoring statehoods in America? Let us know if you agree.


Speaking of Golden State attitudes, Bob Gelfand suggests that we use the ‘collective safety’ theory to explain national resources being engaged to protect states from terrorism … perhaps the same policy should apply in protecting our health. That’s also, in Today’s CityWatch.



And Adrian Scott Fine … in a special piece for CityWatch … considers the current fallen-on-hard-times plight of LA’s one time police headquarters Parker Center. He says the old police palace is likely to come down … but for all the wrong reasons. More interesting CityWatch reading. 

Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy. 

Ken Draper-Editor, CityWatch

[email protected]