Sat, Feb

Facts about “The Dreamers”


1) We forget 90% of our dreams. Five minutes after waking up half of them are gone. After ten minutes, 90% are gone. 12% of sighted people dream only in black and white. Everybody else dreams in full color, unless your dream is on NBC, then it is in "Living Color." In our dreams we only see faces we already know. Our mind doesn't invent faces.

2) A Southwest airplane headed for Los Angeles had to make an emergency landing in San Jose. The problem was a man was smoking in the lavatory. One passenger said he smelled marijuana. Southwest turned the man over to authorities. The police said it was not marijuana but a regular cigarette. The guy wasn't arrested or charged. Obviously the passenger who said he smelled marijuana never attended a rock concert or he would have known he was smelling a regular cigarette.

3) It looks like the June 12th "Summit" is on. So far the only hitch seems to be Kim Jong Un wants his hotel tab picked up. The favored hotel is The Fullerton, a ritzy hotel, near the mouth of the Singapore River. A presidential suite goes for more than 6 grand a night. So, it would seem there won't be one of those "Bda-Book" "Bda-Boom" hotels for Mr. Kim. According to sources, Kim Jong Un says, "Unequivocally, no hotel, no deal."

4) Bare-knuckle boxing, last practiced in the 1880s, when John L. Sullivan was knocking men out, made its official return last Saturday in Cheyenne. The return of bare-knuckle boxing was applauded by boxing historian "Sugar Ray" Rosencrantz. He claimed, "When they put on the gloves they sissified the sport."

5) The Center For Research and Take-Out, not particularly busy this week, has come up with some responses to things we hear all the time.Examples:

●"You know what I'm saying?" Respond: "No I don't. Say it again?"
●"It Is, What It Is" Respond: "And just what IS that?"
●"What are you up to these days?" Respond: "Usually three."
●"Been There, Done That." Respond: "Was it Good for You?"


(Tom Murphy is a writer, humorist, actor, disc jockey and an occasional contributor to CityWatch. He lives in Los Angeles.)
