Thu, Feb

But, Frisco is #1 with Doo Doo!


1) Eight of the top ten cities with the worst ozone pollution are here in California. Once again LA/Long Beach took first prize with our friends in Bakersfield coming in number two. Fresno, Sacramento and San Diego also did well. What about San Francisco? They were number one with doo doo in the streets. The president of SF Travel says something needs to be done. Nothing gets by this guy. It appears tourists don't like wading through filth to get on board "Little Cable Cars Climbing Halfway To The Stars."

2) When Raul Castro steps down, Miguel Diaz-Canel is expected to be named his successor. It is also said he is unlikely to bring sweeping change to the island paradise. Why on earth would he? Communism has been such a resounding success there.

3) First there was Global Warming, which changed to Climate Change.  Now it's Climate Restoration. What is that? Basically it's returning atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases to Pre-Industrial levels. It might take one or two generations. The Pre-Industrial period was from 1750 to 1850. So, no cars or trucks, trains or planes, electricity, NO DUCK TAPE !! NO THANKS Climatistas. I'll pass on Climate Restoration just like I did on the other two.

4) Scott Pruitt the EPA Administrator upgraded his Gov. car with a larger more costly model with bullet proof covers on the bucket seats. I many be missing something here. If the bullet proof covers are on the seats, what good do they do if the passenger is sitting on them. Doesn't the bullet have to go through the person before it gets to the bullet proof cover?Since I don't get it I'm going to have The Center For Research and Take-Out try to explain this one.

5) A single bat can eat more than 600 bugs in one hour which is like a person eating 20 pizzas in a night. It doesn't say what size of Pizzas.Should a lull in the conversation occur you might see if this one will get things started. You also might be asked "What size are the pizzas"?

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