Sat, Sep

Neighborhood Politics

Kevin DeLeon Exists, But Only as a Pop-Up!

THE EASTSIDER - Special thanks to the Eagle Rock Chamber of Commerce, for agreeing to sit down with me on Sunday. The tale of this year’s Christmas Tree Lightning Event at the Eagle Rock City Hall follows.

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Midterm Match Ups & Substitutions

POLITICAL UPSETS - As the FIFA World Cup match ups are underway and each new day seems to bring a new upset, one can’t help but to see the comparison with the game of politics in this election cycle.

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What We Learned From Campaign 2022

ELECTION ANALYSIS - The road to democracy was long and winding in 2022, with much shock and surprise as LA will have its first female mayor in Karen Bass and Venice will be directly represented by Councilmember-elect Traci Park here in CD-11.

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15th District Face-Off

CD15 - The council race in District 15 has not been this contested in decades and is the most expensive race ever run here,

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Paul Koretz Sour Grapes

GUEST COMMENTARY - Until the 2020 Presidential election, Americans took it for granted that the losing side in a political race would be gracious and respectful to the winning side.

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CD11's Traci Park and the Need for More Parks

THE DOCTOR IS IN - At this time, it does appear that our next CD11 Councilmember will be Traci Park, and that the Westside west of the 405 freeway hasn't completely lost its collective mind with respect to urban planning, transportation, and fixing our homelessness crisis.

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Redistricting:  The Behind the Scenes Battle for Council District 10

GUEST COMMENTARY - As caustic and hurtful as the racially motivated comments on the Martinez-DeLeon-Cedillo tape from October 2021 were, they pale in comparison to the political manipulation that the three elected officials pursued regarding the City Council’s ethnic makeup.

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