Thu, Mar

Dog Whistles from Pelosi and Trump

ONE MAN’S OPINION-Neither political party shows any respect for the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution. Both the GOP and the Dems find money and power in killing off the individual inalienable rights including Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness in favor of Group Rights.

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Do You Ever Get the Feeling They Want Us Gone!?

ALPERN AT LARGE--Looking at the outgoing flight of Californians to other states (particularly the middle class, and of all political and racial and socioeconomic backgrounds), and how both Sacramento, Downtown Los Angeles (and other major city counterparts in San Francisco, San Diego and elsewhere) are doubling down on stupid, silly, untenable ideas that make no environmental sense ... 

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LAPD Reform: What a Crock

GUEST COMMENTARY--After Los Angeles voters approved a ballot measure to remake a key part of the police disciplinary process, City Council President Herb Wesson promised a series of hearings around the city on LAPD reform and the kinds of complaints about policing that have riveted the nation’s attention over the last several years: Excessive force. Dishonesty. 

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Faith and Religion are Not the Same Thing

ONE MAN’S OPINION-As Americans we have become steeped in constant lies. Much of Western Civilization is based on the rejection of facts and rational thought in favor of falsehoods. We sanctify these lies by calling them Faith, then we close our minds to the horrors that Faith and Lies have brought upon the world. 

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‘Vicious Dog’ Charge Keeps Glendale Pit Bull Muzzled

ANIMAL WATCH-LA Superior Court Judge Carlos Vazquez issued a strong admonition on March 14 to the attorney representing Los Angeles art gallery owner Rosamund Felsen, who was charged with one criminal count of owning a “vicious dog” after her Staffordshire Terrier (Pit Bull-type dog) killed a family's beloved Yorkshire terrier and seriously injured two men in three separate attacks.

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Top LA Leaders Slam Wiener’s SB 50

TAKING ON SACRAMENTO-Sen. Scott Wiener’s SB 50, an extreme version of his defeated SB 827, is under attack by L.A. Democratic leaders because it destroys single-family areas and affordable apartments to make way for 8-story luxury housing.

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Will LA’s Proposed Rodeo Ban Stop the Cruelty?

ANIMAL WATCH-A March 6, 2019, report prepared by LA Animal Services GM Brenda Barnette recommended to the Mayor and City Council that the LA Municipal Code (LAMC) be amended to prohibit rodeo events in the city. There was no public notice other than the agenda for the LA Animal Services Commission meeting on March 12. 

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The 737-Max Tragedies: Who to Blame?

GELFAND’S WORLD--The aftermath of two 737 crashes in a fraction of a year leads to questions ranging from journalism to engineering. What strikes me at this point is that there may be a question about computer software that is being missed. 

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