Mon, Sep

DWP Committee Meeting virtually on September 7th

The DWP Committee will be meeting virtually on Saturday, September 7, 2024, at 8:30 am.  Please be on time.

The meeting link on NC-DWP meetings web page (meetings and links will always be here) is:


Topics include (subject to change):

  • 8:30a – 8:50a: Janisse Quiñones CEO Intro and Q&A
  • 8:50a – 9:00a: Dave Hanson, Interim Senior Assistant General Manager – Power System -- Intro and Heat Response
  • 9:00a – 9:15a: LADWP Biodiversity Plan
  • 9:15a – 10a:   Q&A/Discussion

Ratepayer Advocate Fred Pickel will also be available able to answer questions.

Bring your own conspiracy theories and coffee. 

The meeting concludes at 10 am.

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