Sat, Dec

Who Will Pay for California's Eviction Moratorium?

LA WATCHDOG - Multiple levels of government, including the City and County of Los Angeles, enacted eviction moratoriums because of the adverse financial impact the pandemic had on the health and incomes of families and their ability to pay their rents on a timely basis. 

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Who Will Pay for the Improvements to Our Parks?

LA WATCHDOG - On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council will consider a motion to retain a consultant to assist in the development of a ballot measure to raise $2.1 billion to finance the repair and improvement of our parks that have been neglected by the City over the past three decades. 

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Blasphemy: Glendale Power Prioritizes Reliability

LA WATCHDOG - As part of its plan to deliver reliable and affordable energy to the 200,000 residents of Glendale as well as to its commercial and industrial customers, the Power Division of Glendale Water and Power is proposing to repower its gas fired Grayson Power Plant.

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Trash Fees to Increase by Estimated $100 a Year

LA WATCHDOG - In its effort to reduce methane emissions from landfills, the State of California (through SB 1383) has mandated that by 2025 the City divert 75% of its organic waste from landfills, currently a major source of this “super polluting” greenhouse gas.

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Killing the Golden Goose

LA WATCHDOG - The City and the State are benefitting from record revenues, but our politicians and their acolytes want to pick our pockets for even more of our hard-earned money through ballot box budgeting tax measures.

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DWP Bribery Scandal: Who’s Next?

LA WATCHDOG - Now that David Wright, the former General Manager of the Department of Water and Power who was summarily fired in July of 2019, has agreed to plead guilty to bribery in connection with DWP awarding in 2017 a $30 million no-bid contract to a newly formed company controlled by New York City lawyer Paul Paradis, many are wondering who will be the next target(s) of the United States Attorney’s Office? 

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Is the Zoo a Priority for the City?

LA WATCHDOG - The Los Angeles Zoo is asking the City Council to approve its $650 million Vision Plan that will “transform the Zoo into the environmentally sustainable, world-class destination and wildlife conservation center that Los Angeles deserves.”

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