Mon, Mar

Trump’s Xmas Gift to America


VIEW FROM HERE--At this stage in Trump’s post-election psychological decompensation, it is hard to gauge whether the madman, who is a narcissistic Histrionic with fits of paranoia, intended the consequences of his call for $2,000.00 to each adult. 

His motive, to the extent he had a coherent motive, may have been to retaliate against the betrayal of some within the GOP leadership for their not supporting his delusional claim that he won the Nov 2020 election in a landslide.  

This objective would require at least one of the two GOP Georgia Senate candidates to support Trump’s January 6, 2021 plan to overturn the Electoral College.  Because the two GOP candidates, Senator Kelly Loeffler and Sen. David Perdue, say that they support Trump’s delusion that he won reelection, Trump may figure that if he helps them, they will move to overturn the election. After all, giving out money is a good way to win an election. 

But the Dems Support Trump! 

The Dem candidate, Rev. Raphael Warnock, was unequivocal in his support for $2,000.00, but his opponent, Senator Kelly Loeffler, was somewhat of a waffler.  Dem candidate, Jon Ossoff, gave Trump praise, “Donald Trump is right, Congress should swiftly increase direct payments to $2,0000.” So far, Ossoff’s opponent, Sen. David Perdue, has been even less supportive than Loeffler.` Why look Trump’s gift horse in the mouth?  They may realize that Trump is doomed and their bread is buttered on the McConnell side. 

Trump’s Demand Stripped the Veil from the 1% Greed 

When we look at the GOP behavior after Trump’s $2,000.00 demand, we see the true nature of the 1%, who were the beneficiaries of the stingy, stingy, stingy relief of $600.00.  The 1% want hundreds of billions more for the corporations, many of whom have done egregiously wonderful during the disaster, but the 1% definitely, absolutely, positively do not want money to go directly to the people.  The 1% are so rapacious in their greed that it is not enough that they gorge themselves at the public feeding trough, but they insist that Americans stand back and starve while watching the super-rich get fatter and fatter.  

As Jason Riley, correspondent for the Wall Street Journal, said on Fox News Sunday this morning (Dec 27), “some of these people don’t need the money.”  That’s right, maybe some middle-class American who does not need $2,000.00 will get money so let’s starve all the people who are homeless, who lack heating oil, whose bread lines are running out of food while grocery store shelves are fully stocked. 

Some Dems Agree with Wall Street 

Sad to say, Joe Biden supports Wall Street’s greed, but he is more diplomatic in that he disingenuously calls for Trump to sign the bill “in order to give relief to Americans.”  Since both GOP and Dem stalwarts lack a modicum of analytical ability when it comes to their own leadership, they do not comprehend that “Sign the Bill” means “No $2,000.” 

Why the 1% Opposes Relief 

The 1% always benefit from disasters.  After the Crash of 2008 which they manufactured, Wall Street emerged stronger, larger and wealthier than ever with 90% of all productivity gains going to the 1% during the Obama Administration.  

While Obama gave the bankers $15 Trillion dollars, he doomed Main Street to foreclosures and the bankruptcy courts while shipping their jobs overseas.  The 1% gobbled up as much real estate as possible and Dem cities like Los Angeles continued their decline to third world status.  On January 2, 2020 the Dow closed at 28,538.44 but a year later December 24, 2020, it had risen to 30,199.87.  The 1% is doing very well, but according to the Wall Street Journal’s Riley, the real national threat is that some family who does not need $2,000.00 might get a windfall. 

Of Course, the Dow Is Up 

Soon small businesses will be bankrupt and large business-like Target and McDonald’s can replace Mom and pop stores and restaurants.  Soon Wall Street will be able to foreclose on hundreds of thousands of smaller apartment complexes as family-owned real estate business don’t have the money to pay their mortgages.  In classic misdirection, the media like the LA Times points to the poor people who cannot pay their rent and say, “Not to worry, we have an eviction moratorium.” The smaller landlords, however, are the 1%’s real targets just as the small businesses are their targets.  Starve the poor and the middle class falls. 

Gush Up Works 

At least since the time of Joseph’s interpreting Pharaoh’s dream about the seven lean cows eating the seven fat cows, we’ve known that during hard times, the government opens its granaries.  Not so America.  In times of disaster, creeping starvation and massive death, America’s 1% cuts the direct lifeline to the people.  If Americans get $2,000 per adult, then that money will gush upwards and the small businesses may survive.  Who knows, the people may get greedy and expect more of their own tax money be send back to them. The 1% shutters at the thought that we Americans might get the idea that our money belongs to us and not to the bankers. 

And to think, all it took was for a madman to throw a temper tantrum to expose how America truly operates.


 (Richard Lee Abrams is an attorney and a community relations consultant.  His views are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CityWatch, He can be reached at: [email protected].)
