Fri, Apr

Why are Nazis Un-American?

REJECTING GROUP RIGHTS-There is a specific reason that Nazis are un-American which goes far beyond their being evil. Other countries have their own reasons for rejecting Nazism, but America has something special. Our foundational document, the Declaration of Independence, states that all men have certain inalienable rights including Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.   

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Not Your Granddad’s Nazis: A New Generation of White Supremacists Emerges in Charlottesville

PROPUBLICA REPORT--The white supremacist forces arrayed in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend — the largest gathering of its sort in at least a generation — represented a new incarnation of the white supremacy movement. Old-guard groups like the Ku Klux Klan, the Aryan Nations and the Nazi skinheads, which had long stood at the center of racist politics in America, were largely absent.

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United in Hope and Prayer for Our Racist Society

FROM CHARLOTTESVILLE TO OUR OWN BACKYARDS-To address the latest act of senseless racist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, people of good will across the country came together on Sunday, August 13 to show solidarity, trying to formulate positive actions to stop these senseless acts from occurring in the future. 

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As Teachers, We Own James Alex Fields Jr.

WE OWN THIS MAN-Friends, citizens, educators: we own this man. He is our failure. The politicians who ran on American (read: white) exceptionalism and the people who voted for them ― and his kindergarten teacher, his granny and Mr. Rogers ― all told him he was special. And then failed to tell him he was no more special than the kids on either side of him. 

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The Truth Behind Spiraling Drug Costs … From the Front Lines

HEALTH CARE POLITICS--I've heard it all, whether it's from the social justice warriors (who don't know a thing about economics and medicine, although they sure think they know it all) to the capitalist overlords of medicine (who think they have all the power, although they're in for some very rude awakenings):  the cost of health care is going up, and the front-line doctors/providers are really not being talked to on this issue. 

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I’d Really Love to be Against Affirmative Action - Just Tell Me How

REDRESSING RACISM-Since the founding of this country there has been what we might accurately call an affirmative action program that has given exclusive advantages to whites, while denying them to minorities. Be it initially de jure or now only de facto, what remains ensconced in this country is our still segregated political, economic, and social system that functions as a white affirmative action and entitlement program. 

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Rethinking Russian Hacking: Who Profits from that Narrative?

CORPORATE MEDIA CALLED OUT-Last night I spent an unexpectedly insightful evening with filmmaker Oliver Stone who was being interviewed by Truth Dig's own Robert Scheer. The occasion was a fundraising event at Immanuel Presbyterian Church for the progressive and perpetually under financial siege radio station KPFK, to celebrate the station's 58th anniversary. The audience seemed pleasantly surprised by an increasingly rare phenomenon: real journalism, documented with primary sources, as opposed to the all too pervasive spin and general obfuscation of truth practiced by corporate-dominated public commercial media.

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