Fri, Oct


Trump Games the Legal System but Will It Last?

DC DISPATCH-In a normal judicial proceeding, when the Court speaks, it does so through orders. A court order is a command issued by a judge. If a judge orders you to appear for your speeding ticket hearing, failure to do so can result in a bench warrant or a default judgment. Penalties can also include jail time and fines. 

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Carlos Ghosn: Le Cost Killer

DC DISPATCH-By most measures, Carlos Ghosn was a successful man. With a reputation for recapitalizing and restructuring several large multinational companies like Michelin and Renault, Ghosn amassed a fortune of over 100 million dollars over the course of his career.

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Anonymous Alfalfa

DC DISPATCH--Every 3rd week in January, the “.02%” take over Washington DC to host their annual dinner at the Capital Hilton. Established in 1913, the Alfalfa Club cultivates its membership of elite powerbrokers from all over the United States. 

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