Wed, Mar

Krekorian: Bike Lanes and Street Vendors


WHAT THEY’RE SAYING--The negatives and positives of a changing Los Angeles were on display Monday when the chairman of the city council’s budget and finance committee spoke to lawyers, lobbyists, union leaders and other City Hall aficionados at the Los Angeles Current Affairs Forum. 

City Councilman Paul Krekorian, who represents the 2nd District in the San Fernando Valley, gave a generally rosy picture of city hall at the forum, which is organized by public affairs consultant Emma Schafer, who also edits the Emma’s Memos web site.

“We’re seeing the dark days of the recession through a rear view mirror,” Krekorian said.

Better business conditions have increased city revenues, he said, and the municipal work force has been reduced by 5,000. The deficit is going down and reserve funds are going up.

What was most interesting was Kerkorian’s reaction to two serious issues confronting Los Angeles, the problems of traffic and immigrants making a living. (See what Krekorian had to say here.)    






Vol 13 Issue 92

Pub: Nov 13, 2015

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