Sun, Feb

Is Your Cell Phone Destroying Your Retina?


WELLNESS-It is no secret that cell phone and computer screens are not good for your eyes.  There are different types of light emitted from the sun that fall on the light spectrum.  UV or ultraviolet light tends to affect the front of the eye including the lens and cornea and over time may cause cataracts and other eye problems. 

Blue violet light is emitted from the sun and from many of the electronic devices we use such as cell phones and computers. This blue light affects the back of the eye more than the front and may do damage to the retina over time. Because we are already exposed to blue light by the sun along with certain lights like LED and fluorescents, the additional blue light we are now getting from more screen use than ever before has scientists and doctors concerned that it may lead to age related macular degeneration. 

Besides the potential damage to the retina, a Penn State and Harvard led study showed that people who use their screens right before bed have been proven to take longer to fall asleep and get less REM sleep during the night. This is the crucial deep sleep needed to help the brain accumulate memories and fully rest and detoxify.  

People using the electronic e-screens to read as opposed to people reading a good old fashioned print book showed decreased sleep and a lack of awareness and alertness the following day. 

The leaders of the study think the effects in the real world may be much worse than the sleep study showed because many people are not only using their screens before bed, but they are staying up late with those screens further effecting their sleep cycles. 

Cell phone and computer companies are savvy to this damage inducing light and are already starting to create gadgets and filters that limit the amount of blue light emitted from those screens. Philips, which is a Dutch company unveiled its “softblue” computer screens. “We are shifting the harmful blue light frequencies, which are below 450 nanometers, to above 460 nanometers,” said Philips’ marketing director Stefan Sommer. 

While some scientists say that the amount of time spend in front of the screens is of more concern than the type of light being emitted, these companies are paying attention to the desires of concerned consumers and responding with safer screens to protect our eyes. Scientists agree that the concern for children is more serious.  

Not only do they have another 60 years or more that they will be in front of screens, their eyes are also more susceptible to the damage being done by the blue light.  It is best to limit children’s time in front of screens. 

Let’s keep our eyes open for the new vision protecting gadgets and as usual, vote for what you want by investing in safer and more conscious products!


(Christian Cristiano is an acupuncturist in LA, TV host of Wellness for Realists and writes on wellness regularly for CityWatch. Christian can be reached at 323.935.3420. twitter: @CristianoWFR)





Vol 13 Issue 75

Pub: Sep 15, 2015

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