Sun, Mar

Mohamed Hadid Getting Hit with Criminal Charges for Super Illegal Bel Air Megamansion


LA’S NEIGHBORHOODS-Flaunt the rules in some parts of Los Angeles, developers, but not in Bel Air, where the neighbors are rich and raring to fight anything that might disturb their fancy way of life. Spec megamansion king Mohamed Hadid is learning this the hard way at the absurd, 30,000-square-foot palace he's been working on for ages now at 901 Strada Vecchia. And working on and working on, despite all kinds or orders to cut it out. And now he's getting the book thrown at him—the Beverly Hills Courier reports the LA City Attorney will bring criminal charges 

In response to complaints from neighbor Joseph Horacek, who lives in a mansion just below 901 Strada Vecchia, the city investigated Hadid's project, revoked permits a year ago, ordered him to stop work immediately last September, and told him to tear down all the illegal work in April. (Read the rest here.





Vol 13 Issue 57

Pub: Jul 14, 2015

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