Tue, Mar

Good News: WaterSmart Rebates Redux


GREEN ROSETTE- Yipee! The turf removal rebates are back!  If, like me, you held your breath last week when the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) announced were just about ran out of rebate funds.  On May 26, though, came the good news that more money has been allocated.  

You see, the MWD contributes over one-half of the rebate money.  Without their contribution, the rebate amount would have gone from $3.75 down to $1.75 a square foot.  But for now, the total turf rebate is back to $3.75 per square foot.  Congratulations all!  

But there’s a caveat:  Once the MWD runs out of the new funding, you might not get your rebate after all.  So get your applications in pronto. 

The SoCal Watersmart turf rebate program has confounded many of us for a long time.   Partly, it’s all the details we consumers need to know before applying.  And partly, in my opinion, it’s the confusing way the WaterSmart website explains some of those details.  Read the rules and the exclusions carefully.  Then read again.  This helps to make sure you don’t accidentally disqualify yourself. 

Since the Governor announced a state-wide 25% water use reduction, the SoCal WaterSmart rebate folks have been swamped with new applications and phone calls.  So, expect delays in return calls, application processing, and follow-ups.  Also, the rebate folks estimate ten weeks or so before you receive your rebate check.  

There’s an upside to the delays.  It gives me time to share my juicy tips that will save you money.  By avoiding costly mistakes, you can save hundreds of dollars, so tune in. 

Watch my column in the coming weeks. You will learn about plants you don’t have to remove,  gorgeous low water flowers, low water lawn substitutes, questions to ask your designers and installers, and much, much more.  As a bonus, I invite your questions.  Write to me at [email protected].  


(Rickie Avrutin is a sustainable garden consultant, a conservation columnist and the Executive Director at Green Rosette. She can be reached at [email protected]





Vol 13 Issue 46

Pub: June 5, 2015

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